Penis Enlargement and Male Enhancement

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How to deal with the stress, insecurity and anxiety caused by a small penis

A small penis is a curse for men. Although one could argue that other physical problems, such as not growing tall enough or a receding hairline, are just as bad, there are few things that can make a man shy away from physical intimacy like a small penis. Such men are not afraid of being rejected out of hand by women; they are actually afraid of being accepted because rejection is likely to be waiting down the line. The deep emotional scarring caused by a small penis acts like a barrier preventing many men from forming any kind of friendship that involves a certain level of physical intimacy. Changing in a locker room, going to the beach or a swimming pool and other such activities are all potential exposure situations which men have to avoid, no matter how much they may like to engage in them.

When it comes to finding a girlfriend, a small penis is the worst possible asset. It beats even not showering frequently enough, because a small penis makes a man ridiculous in the eyes of women. Many times it doesn’t even matter if the ladies in question make no comment on the size of the penis. The men always suppose themselves inadequate and suspect women of trying to protect or to fool them. This pattern of shyness, suspicion and distrust stays with men throughout their lives and tends to influence decisions on other issues. The negative impact on both the social and private lives of such men is enormous. Any man or woman who comes too close is under suspicion because they may reveal the “secret”, purposely or not, and expose the man in question to public ridicule.

The best way to deal with this issue is to try and get over the small size. Instead of letting this taint all your relationships with other people, you should count their blessings and ask themselves if a small penis is really that important in life. Stop comparing yourself with pornstars and bodybuilders with thighs as big as your torso, because such comparisons will do you no good. If you were average in physics, would you compare yourself with Einstein? I don’t think so. The second thing you can do is to look for the more decent girls, those who do not move around from one man to another. If a girl hasn’t had any sex in a while, she is sure to be tight enough that your small size won’t matter. And last, but not least: learn to trust other people. Once penis size is out of the way, you will understand that friendship and love are beautiful things.

History of penis enlargement

History of penis enlargement

Penis enlargement – a century’s year old practice

The practice of penis enlargement has been happening for centuries, stretching as far back as 2,000 years ago with African tribes.

Yet the fruits of this fascination have only come into realisation in the last 20-30 years with the development of medically backed penis Male Extra systems, historically support penis exercise programmes and surgical procedures.

For men looking to enlarge the penis 2,000 years ago, all they could look forward to was manual methods of stretching the penis with hanging weights attached to their scrotum or having a slit cut down their shaft.

The most advanced method for penis enlargement then was used by Polynesian men who used a woven sleeve – similar to a Chinese finger trap – to increase penis length. Other than that, the types of instruments used to encourage penis growth were risky and extremely hazardous.

Luckily during the century alternative methods have come into practice.

Developments that have transformed these desires for a thicker longer penis, into real credible results: jelqing, surgery and penis Male Extra systems.

The natural route to lasting penis enlargement


First used in the Middle East as a bonding exercise between father and son (as they helped them prepare for a sexual relationship), jelqing is a simple workout which is now globally established amongst men for inducing increased stamina and a longer, thicker penis.

Known to typically take 30 minutes to do, jelqing consists of up to 200 movements that when completed will offer users a penis enlargement of 1.4 inches in length and 1 inch in girth.

For more information of jelqing and penis exercises, you can visit the Penis Health website for advice in this area.


Widely popular in America since the 1980’s, there are commonly 3 types of penis enlargement surgery: penile injection, ligament cutting and inflatable implants.

Penile injection: the insertion of cells from the body into the shaft of your penis.

Ligament cutting: the basal ligament of the penis is cut. Unfortunately although this can lead to a penile length increase of 2 inches, the penis is now unable to stand erect.

Inflatable implants
: implants replace the corpora cavernosa (the part of the penis that fills with blood during erections) and is manually inflated.

Though all highly recommended each of these surgeries does come with their own risks. From penis deformations, scarring and an inability to perform sexually; ligament cutting is particularly damaging as it can prevent your penis from standing erect.

Penis enlargement systems (traction)

First patented in 1911, some modern penis enlargement systems are medically backed to CE standards and are clinically proven to stimulate the reproduction of new tissue cells within the penis.

Some penis stretching systems are able to offer men results within 7 days, with a 30% increase being possible within 24 weeks. In addition, results from penis stretching systems tend to be permanent.

For more details on penis Male Extra systems and how they work, the Size Genetics website offers greater information on the subject.

Penis enlargement – the next step

With such a multitude of methods widely available for use, penis enlargement has come a long way since its first depictions in cave painting in 440BC.

Today you can achieve the penis size you want without having to run the risk of damaging your penis or your health. Instead there are a variety of safe ways to enlarge the penis by such methods as the penis Male Extra system as well as through penis exercises.

Penis enlargement is not a myth! Men can now invest in a method that is guaranteed to offer them permanent long lasting results of up to 30% in length!

The fastest way to easy penis enlargement

Use Male Extra to add inches and boost your confidence

If you are like the thousands of other guys who visit my site every day then you are looking for a way to easily enlarge your penis. What’s more you probably want achieve that bigger size as fast as possible so you can start enjoying the increased confidence straight away.

Well I have a product for you that allows you to do all of this and more. Introducing Male Extra, the clinically proven method of non-surgical penis enlargement. This medically backed system helps you:

  • Increase your penis length
  • Add inches to your penis girth
  • Reduce and remove that painful curvature

Furthermore the full Male Extra progress gives you:

A clinically proven, medical type 1 system:

For safe and permanent enlargement. Other cheaper systems are not clinically proven and this means you risk both your health and your money if you buy them. Male Extra has gone through many clinical trials and has been backed by doctors so you know it is not only safe but also incredibly effective.

Click here to find out more about the doctors who endorse Male Extra

Male Extra Exercise Program DVD:

The exercises on this DVD are designed to help speed up and enhance your gains. You can see gains just by using the system alone, there is no doubt about that. However, when you combine your system work with these powerful exercises you have a winning combination to bring you gains even faster.

Male Extra Online Access:

As well as the DVD you also get access to the Male Extra program online. As with the DVD, these exercises help bring your size gains even faster. In addition you will also learn secret exercises that can help you gain harder erections on demand and get control over your ejaculations so you never climax too soon again.

Better Sex Guide DVDs:

Unique to the Male Extra progress these better sex DVDs are included with every purchase of the full progress. Getting a bigger penis is only part of the process, once you also know how to use it you can become the kind of lover that women dream about. The confidence in knowing this is immense and can help you approach any woman and talk her in to bed!

Click here to find out more about what you get with Male Extra

Lovecentria Online Access:

Also included in this fantastic progress is full unlimited access to the Lovecentria online sex and positions guide. This will spice up your love life so that not only will you be more confident but you will also become a legend in the bedroom, knowing every little trick to make her orgasm over and over again!

Free Bonuses:

As if all of the above wasn’t enough, you will also get free bonuses worth over $200! This includes acess to Mens Forte, an online mens magazine masses of content dating, fitness, entertainment, money, business, travel and sex. In addition you will get two free ebooks guiding you on the art of seduction and also how you can get yourself in shape for those all night sex sessions!


There is no other penis enlargement product that gives you all of this, and we haven’t even mentioned that every purchase is covered by a 6 month money-back guarantee and you also get 24 hour trained customer support.

This means you can buy in complete confidence (ordering is easy and secure) knowing that you are getting a safe, fast, and effective penis enlargement product.

This is the product you have been searching for and now it is time to bite the bullet and start taking your first steps towards a better, more confident future. Putting it off until tomorrow will only prolong your embarrassment of having an inadequate sized penis so….

Click here to order Male Extra today and start becoming a better lover