Penis Enlargement and Male Enhancement

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A Trimmer You for a Bigger Looking Penis

The penis may come in different lengths and thickness; it even comes in different shapes. However, there are some people who are overweight that see their penises have become smaller. It did not get smaller; it’s just that the body’s size has grown to overpower the penis. Losing weight doesn’t make your penis bigger or increase in size. Although, it can make your penis and scrotum “look” bigger when you shed off some fat, especially in the thigh and belly area. It will create an appearance that your penis is more protruding and that it is more visible with the reduction of those fatty tissues blocking the view.

Sometimes, being overweight or large is not just the reason for having a seemingly small penis. Temperature and sexual libido also makes the penis “alive” or not. When you are not aroused or when you feel cold, your penis wouldn’t stand up or enlarge, giving the impression that it is small. You can also opt to remove some of your pubic hair to see your penis. Keeping a trim or well toned body can really add on to your self esteem and confidence about your penis. You don’t necessarily need to jump into medications or systems to make your penis big, you can start with a lifestyle check and some improvements to improve your penile health and appearance.

Now with regards to your diet, there are a lot of weight loss programs that you can get into. In fact, your eating habits or eating lifestyle contributes a great deal into losing weight. Skipping meals won’t do you good but eating healthier while doing some physical exercises can help shape you up. You can start by seeking advice from a health care professional and a nutritionist. Keep a relaxed mind together with your body and little by little you will see changes with your well being and with your outlook on that buddy of yours.

When losing weight, you should remember that cutting down on the calories can be a big help. If you can’t totally cut down on the eating, you have to increase your physical activities. It would be better if you can do both but do it gradually. It wouldn’t do you any good if you get into those fad diets or crash diets. Try looking for a program that suits you and it should be something that you can stick to. Maintenance is very important and once your dieting has started to take effect, it doesn’t mean that you should stop immediately. In fact, doing them regularly until they become a part of your progress helps give you an assurance that you can stay fit and that your penis isn’t getting any smaller.

When it comes to your diet, take in less fat like oily or salty foods and sweets. Try taking in more servings of fruits and vegetables, since they are rich in vitamins, fiber, and water making you feel full. Eat a decent portion of meat and carbohydrates and cut down on the alcohol, caffeine, and cigarette consumption.

Confidence in a Man

Women love their men strong and confident. They want to feel security in his loving embrace, yearning in his kisses and sincerity in their sexual encounters. Women love men who have the strength to stand up to what they believe in and admit to their mistakes.

Confidence. It all starts with the right attitude and positive thinking. You should not let insecurity and doubt cloud your outlook. You should, above all, believe in yourself. How can you exude confidence when you yourself don’t believe in yourself?

Guys shouldn’t think that “this girl is out of my league” or the many what-ifs. (“What if she turns me away?” “What if she already has a boyfriend?”) No, that’s not the way it should be. Develop your confidence and watch as your personality radiates from your words and actions. So how can you build up your confidence?

First of all, appearance matters. You don’t necessarily need to be Hollywood material to score points with the ladies. You don’t need to have Brad Pitt’s boyish good looks, Hugh Grant’s British magnetism or Arnold Schwarzenegger’s bulging muscles. You should at least look neat and tidy though. Let your sweet side radiate from within; sometimes, that’s enough to get the girls. It’s the simple things that count. Open doors for her, hail a cab for her, those kind of things. You need not have a white steed and be her knight in shining armor.

Also, girls love bad boys (well, not the abusive and criminal types though). They think that bad boys are more mysterious and exciting. These guys appear as if they are untamed and unpredictable, not afraid of being just themselves or being too nice just to get approval. Women feel that they are a challenge and strive hard to get to know them better. They exude the confidence, individuality, and masculinity that are not found in wusses who act like spineless jellyfish or doormats.

Unlike confident men, the wusses constantly seek approval from women and act desperate and needy. They buy women’s attention by giving them expensive gifts or taking them out to classy restaurants; though they might sound really enjoyable, you should already know that women need more than these.

More importantly, you don’t even need to possess a 12″ pecker to be confident. If you are indeed well-endowed, well then, good for you. Just don’t use it as a pick-up line or use it to strike up a conversation. “I have a foot long schlong, wanna fuck?” That would earn you a nice dirty martini in the face, at the very least.

Of course, a huge member is probably a plus factor; but that doesn’t mean you’re more of a man than others. A real man is one who is responsible enough to get married and raise a good family, who has the strength of character to be a good leader as well as a follower, and who knows what he wants out of life and strives hard to get it.

Anti-Aging for Baby Boomers

In the 40’s throughout the 60’s, the United States experienced high birth rates, otherwise known as the “Baby Boom.” Thus, people born within this era were called “Baby Boomers” who were known to wear mod clothes, sample hallucinogenic drugs, and rock with the Beatles. Great times. But where are the Baby Boomers now? At the turn of the millennium, some of them are in their 40’s; the oldest already approaching retirement age.

Times have definitely changed; so as the Baby Boomers. They have noticed that their former youthful exuberance and ravenous virility are slowly fading away. This holds true, especially among the men. They may notice that their hairline is — frightfully — receding, their memory seems to be growing cobwebs and their sexual performance declining. Others may also experience insomnia or other sleeping problems, aches and pains, sweating and flushing, increased fat, loss of muscle mass and strength, irritability and crankiness, and even depression. Most men in this age will basically experience one or all of these in varying degrees.

When a man reaches the age of 30, his testosterone (male hormone) levels naturally and gradually declines. It does so at a staggering rate of 10 percent per decade. Since testosterone helps maintain sex drive, sperm production, pubic and body hair, muscle and bone, the consequences of aging slowly emerge as a man ages.

But do not despair. There are several ways to help Baby Boomers defy the effects of time. They should create a strategy for a healthy lifestyle that incorporates optimal diet, supplements, regular exercise, stress management, and natural hormone enhancement.

Today’s diet is deficient in many essential nutrients, but high in sugar, fat, and salt. Your diet should ideally comprise of 25% protein, 25% fat, and 50% carbohydrates. Your protein intake should primarily be from plant sources like tofu and beans, with modest amounts from animal sources like meat. Fat from nuts and olive oil are preferable than from animal products. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables since these are the main sources of carbohydrates. As much as possible, steer clear of junk foods, colas and anything with refined sugars (e.g., doughnuts) since they induce the production of cortisol, a primary age-inducing hormone.

Diet alone cannot meet all the necessary nutrients needed by our body. Thus, you need to take supplements like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutritional factors to be able to meet your daily requirements.

Physical activity can also alleviate the symptoms of aging. Since aging decreases your bone and muscle mass, it is good to have regular exercise which includes cardiovascular, flexibility, and strength training. Getting regular exercise has shown to help increase your metabolism, allowing you to burn more fat. It also strengthens your heart and keeps your body flexible. Furthermore, exercise stimulates the production of growth hormones, which helps to rejuvenate aged cells and reverse the aging process.

Stress only accelerates the aging process. That’s why another key element in your anti-aging strategy is stress management. Try relaxing activities such as Yoga, sports, meditation, reading, massages, etc. These activities let you focus on other things and help you calm down and loosen up.

Another way to put off the common symptoms of aging is by natural hormone enhancement. The human growth hormone, produced by the pituitary gland, is largely involved with regulating the growth of body tissues. HGH comes in injections, spray and supplements (pills and tablets) which stimulate the pituitary gland to naturally increase its production. However, you should first consult with your physician before trying out anything.

Aging poses a great impact in the quality of our lives; but with a healthy lifestyle (including proper diet, supplements, regular exercise, stress management, and natural hormone enhancement), you can reduce or even prevent the symptoms associated with aging.

Fast or slow?

To each her own; and that applies to what a woman wants in bed — either a fast fuck or the slow, smooth kind. However, it seems that most women prefer the sensual approach rather than the pound-pound-pounding away.

A slow, smooth approach will enable you and your partner to employ your senses and experience all the bliss related to the sexual experience. Feel her soft skin, see her lovely face, hear her moans, taste her mouth, and smell the scent of her body.

True, most films favor and highlight the fast and hard fucking. But that’s just on film, silly! That’s the way it’s supposed to look — quickly and vigorously. How else can they sustain your interest if they otherwise took the slow road? It’d be rather boring, wouldn’t it? So, in order to get that wild and exciting impression, the porn stars are instructed to take the fast road. That’s why men have created the illusion that this is just the way it is supposed to be done. Well, sorry to disappoint.

Besides there are advantages to the slow approach. One is that you get to explore her body more. It’s not just her breasts and her twat that matters. Have you tried licking her ears, touching her nape or the back of her knees, or massaging her foot? Well, you should. These are highly erogenous areas of the woman’s body’ and it’d just be too selfish of you if you don’t provide her the pleasure.

Women are turned on with kissing, caressing, licking (slurping even). It just sends her to the edge as you masterfully rein her back. This only makes her even hornier! She’ll want you more and more if you tease her; building up the aching need inside her. Don’t you just love hearing her moan and feel the tingling down her spine?

Build up her longing with romantic nuances like flickering candles, rose petals, fresh sheets, sweet music, kinky underwear or sex toy. This whole romantic package is important for her, so don’t you try to shortchange her. Try out various foreplay techniques first before taking the slow plunge. Intense and increased desire only makes way for numerous orgasms.

A slow approach also conserves your energy for that surging crescendo. If you thrust harder and deeper, you are in a rush to get there. You’re only forcing it; and it’s not as satisfying as it should have been otherwise. It could also give your honey a stiff neck or sore back, for that matter. Several seconds of frenzy rewarded by a quick orgasm is rather limiting. Why not extend your pleasure even more?

Learn how to control your urges. Build up her longing with slow, deliberate thrusts, pausing curtly, and constricting your inner muscles. Touching fosters a stronger connection; the more you are familiar with each other’s bodies, the more intimate your sexual encounters would be.

Every sexual experience means so much for a woman. So, try to approach your love-making with sincerity, confidence, and respect. You can show her this by making her feel special and by considering her needs. She may not say it out loud, but she needs more than a steely pecker inside her. She needs more than that, and you should know better.

The Sperm Cell: An Overview

You may pretty much have an idea where babies come from. (No, they’re not from the stork!) To put it bluntly, you need a sperm cell and egg cell to make a baby. During sexual intercourse, a man’s sperm, which is produced by the testes (testicles), is released into a woman’s cervix, which “swims” to the fallopian tube. From the millions of sperm cells, one penetrates the egg in a process called fertilization. From there, a single life begins.

But where does the sperm come from? There are millions of sperm produced by your testes (testicles) everyday. Sperm cells undergo the natural cell division which inevitably leads to its maturation. Half of the sperm carries a Y chromosome (inherited from your dad) and an X chromosome (inherited from your mom). If a Y-carrying sperm fertilizes the woman’s egg, the result is a baby girl. If on the other hand, it’s the X-carrying sperm which fertilized the egg, then it’s a baby boy.

During ejaculation, sperm is pumped into the man’s vas deferens where fructose, seminal fluids, and other chemicals are secreted. Your sperm plus other seminal fluids (semen) hurries past the bladder through the urethra and out of your penis.

In order for the sperm to enter the woman’s cervix, you need to experience erection, orgasm, and ejaculation. An erection takes place when your penis is stimulated or when you have an erotic thought. There is a sudden rush of blood to the erectile tissue chambers in the penis. This, in turn, engorges the penis making it hardened, enlarged and elevated.

With continued stimulation, orgasm and ejaculation ensues. Orgasm, known as the sexual climax, is a pleasurable emotional or psychological response that accompanies ejaculation. There are two stages of orgasm: the first one, called the ejaculatory inevitability, takes place two to four seconds before ejaculation. During these crucial seconds, you may be aware that you are about to “come,” and you could not do anything to control it. Your seminal vesicles and your prostrate gland begin to throb. The second stage of orgasm takes place when you involuntarily ejaculate semen in convulsive surges. On average, one teaspoon (2-15 milliliters) of semen is ejaculated containing of 40 to 150 million sperm! The “first squirt” typically contains the largest amount of sperm.

Afterwards, you go through a recovery period where you cannot experience another orgasm. This may last several minutes and sometimes for hours.

Penis Girth

The age-old question, “Does size matter?” has been debated for eons. Both men and women alike are interested to know what really gives. Men are obsessed with the size of their penis and many have found ways to make their member larger. That’s why the penis enlargement industry is booming offering everything — from cream, pills, patches, weights, Male Extra systems, and even surgery. The media and the overly-hyped stories of ‘well-endowed’ men have undoubtedly contributed to the already convoluted subject of penis size.

Men with larger organs are regarded to be more manly and better in bed. Thus, “Bigger is better” has become a popular adage. Furthermore, this insight seems to emanate from male vanity rather than the pleasure that your penis can provide. A small penis is equated to diminished masculinity, virility, and at times, also associated to impotency.

But, in fact, most researches have revealed that the average penis size is not the 12″ advertised by porn stars. Besides, these porn stars are not representative of the average man. They may very well be more well-endowed than you (this is their luck) or have undergone some enlargement procedure. The average penis size is actually between 5.5 to 6.4 inches in erect length and 4.7 to 5.2 inches in girth.

But countless women have agreed that the length of the penis has not much to do with sexual pleasure; but width may indeed matter in the long run. It has to do with stimulating their G-spot which is supposed to be located about two inches inside the upper wall of the vagina.

The nerves that are stimulated during sexual intercourse are located near the entrance of the vagina and the anus. Penis girth is significant here since a meatier penis can stretch out the vaginal or anal walls that stimulate the nerves. This creates friction and sensation that most women love during a sexual experience.

Anyway, preference is still based on the individual woman. Because of the points highlighted above, many women have a penchant for larger dicks. But remember, it’s not only a big penis women crave. They seek passion, intimacy and emotional connection. Remember to show her your love by giving her flowers, a sensual massage, or candles with rose petals. Assault her senses with romantic gestures and you’ll be well rewarded. If you have a girthy penis, you’ll be rewarded even more .

Experiment on different sexual positions and incorporate toys in your love-making. Identify her key erogenous zones (i.e., her clitoris) and come up with techniques to stimulate her — with your tongue, vibrator, fingers, etc.

Penis size is important but it’s also the combination of skill, passion and romance. After all, sex is as much fun as you make it.

Generic Penis Enlargement

Just as most women are unhappy with the size of their breasts, so are most men unhappy with the size of their penises. Despite the fact that the vast majority of men are simply average in size, many still think their penises are not big enough. It is unclear whether women would rather sleep with a man sporting a long penis instead of one, especially since studies conducted by various experts have yielded contradictory results.

Still, the widespread feeling of inadequacy has led to the emergence and development of the penis enlargement market. Men looking to offset the stinginess of Mother Nature, or simply to augment their bedroom performance with a bigger erection and a larger penis are flocking to websites promoting every solution ever heard of. The most popular options are penis enlargement pills, for those interested in minimizing risk with natural male enhancement, penis patches and Male Extra systems. Pumps are somewhat out of style these days.

This flood of new products, progresss and solutions has determined us to start our own independent review website as a way of helping customers find the best product available. You wouldn’t want to put your health at risk with pills, patches, systems and surgery that may not be good for you. That’s why we took the trouble to review the most popular male enhancement options.

First and foremost we’d like to say that surgery was the one option outside the scope of our study. The results of such an invasive technique are already hotly debated in journals and over the Internet. Not to mention that the potential side effects of surgery far surpass those of any other penis enhancement solution. Stories of penises looking more like sausages rather than a natural part of the human body, loss of sensation, uneven penis surfaces and scarring are common. Therefore, we decided to stick with the safer options.

After a careful consideration of the most popular solutions available we have come to the conclusion that only one product meets our strict criteria of quality, results and zero reported side effects. (insert the desired ending)

ProSolution Pills – Hands down, the best pills out there. The quality of ingredients is perfect, the hundreds, if not thousands, of satisfied customers are testimony to the product’s effectiveness and there were no side effects reported. Ever. Add to this impressive range of benefits the best money back guarantee in the industry and you have before you the undisputed leader of the male enhancement market.

Penis Health – What can be safer than a program of exercises? No pills, no weights, no pumps. Just exercises that you can do alone, in the privacy of your own home, at a time of your own choosing. And all the exercises are available at a low price through a lifetime subscription. You heard that right! Lifetime! No renewals, no extra fees. Pay once, enjoy it forever.

ProEnhance – This is like having a secret buddy that can help you with your worst problem. The patch goes with you everywhere and stays hidden under your clothes. You can even keep it on in the shower. The slow release of an active herbal substance into your bloodstream gets the job done even when you sleep.

Male Extra – A full progress is the best way to go if you’re serious about penis enlargement. The combination of stretcher and enlargement pills is simply too good to pass. Get your progress now!

Pro Solution Pills

The big question is what do you do when Friday evening rolls around? Are you out at a singles bar eyeing the ladies? Are you propping a wall hard enough to leave the imprint of your shirt on it while looking at the pairs of dancers having a good time? Forced to approach only plastered ladies who are not likely to reject you? Well, this means you could use some help.

Unless I am mistaken, you are reading this because your penis size is small or average and you are interested in a proven male enhancement solution. A small penis is indeed a social drawback. What’s the use of being able to charm girls, if they burst into laughter at the sight of your penis? A large penis and a rock hard erection are the best way of making good first impressions turn into a romantic conquest.

And what better way of increasing the size of penis than the famous ProSolution Pills? Containing an amazing combination of natural and man-made substances, these pills are the best answer to your quest for a larger penis. Science has shown that you no longer have to be held back by the small penis you were born with. A big penis, bigger erections and guaranteed satisfaction for your partners are only a few clicks away. Why stand for the second best when you can have the premium option? ProSolution is here to make your dreams come true.

The quality of ingredients has been checked and endorsed by a certified M.D. and a Medical Herbalist and with zero reported side effects ProSolution is one of the safest male enhancement products available. A professional Psy. D. has also researched and endorsed the positive psychological effects of these pills. A bigger penis will give you more confidence in yourself, which in turn will act as a bonus in social circumstances.

Impotence as a result of lifestyle pressure

Impotence is one of the biggest problems in today’s bedroom environment. Once though to be a condition restricted to older or sickly men, impotence is today a common sight among men in their 30s and 40s. A successful performance record in bed is one of the key elements of confidence in men and potentially crucial to psychological well-being. Most men are entrenched in their views of what makes a successful man and also in maintaining the appearances at all costs. This is why only a small part of those suffering from impotence seek professional help. This reluctance to admit one’s problems means that some of the lighter cases, which could actually be treated, are never brought before a doctor.

The three major causes of impotence are physical, psychological and lifestyle-related. Most cases are caused by physical and psychological factors, but it is less known that lifestyle choices serve to worsen impotence in certain cases. The use and abuse of substances, such as alcohol, nicotine, heroine, cocaine and steroids, is many times instrumental in aggravating impotence. Next come obesity and a “couch potato” lifestyle. A good sex life requires a well nourished and fit body that can stand the effort. Frequent exercising should be part of every lifestyle, while a balanced diet has never hurt anyone.

Penis enlargement pills, patches or systems could also help solve the milder cases of impotence. Products such as ProSolution Pills, Volume Pills or Male Extra are well known for their proven penis enlargement results and have also been successfully used by men suffering from sexual dysfunctions. These excellent products can help men achieve and maintain the erection required for sex. In turn this will generate a positive reinforcement cycle at the psychological level and a change in mindset that could well lead to a successful treatment.

Worried about fertility? Try Zinc.

recently completed study has brought yet another proof of the link between Zinc and the production of sperm by the testicles. A group of men were given daily supplements of Folic Acid and Zinc Sulphate in order to assess their effect on spermatogenesis. The researchers found that the two substances had significantly increased the sperm concentration in subfertile men. Although the mechanisms involved in the concentration of sperm are still unclear and require further studying, it is quite clear that Zinc and the Folic Acid can help men who are less fertile to conceive children.

Men interested in achieving the same effects should consider a supplementation period of 26 weeks, which is the period over which the study has been conducted. The daily doses of 5 milligrams Folic Acid and 66 milligrams of Zinc Sulphate are also safe, since none of the men involved in the study has reported any side effects. This means that you can safely supplement your own daily intake of vitamins and minerals, although you should discuss the matter with a doctor before putting yourself at any kind of risk. You should also run a sperm test before starting on this treatment and another at the end of the supplementation period in order to record any change in the concentration of sperm.

Zinc is one of the key ingredients in popular penis enlargement pills ProSolution and also in semen volume booster pills VolumePills. These pills can help you enlarge your penis and produce more sperm, which is a boon to men suffering from mild cases of infertility. Aside from Zinc, the pills also contain Solidilin, Reishi Mushrooms, Drilizen and Cordyceps, which serve to improve both the hormonal and vascular progresss in order to increase the quantity of sperm produced by the body and the flow of blood to the pubic area. If you’re worried about fertility, try VolumePills or ProSolution Pills. You will not regret it.