Penis Enlargement and Male Enhancement

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Is Male Extra Safe to Use

One fact about a human person is that genetics are the ones that decide his or her height, eye color, hair color, facial features, etc. For men, it is also their genetics that decide the size of their penises.

For those men who were well-endowed since birth, they are lucky that they have been given the gift. Those people who have small penises are the ones that are usually mocked, insulted, and laughed at in school, even if it was not their fault. As a result, these men lose their self-confidence and in worst cases, sink into depression.

One reason for the psychological effect of penis size is that men usually consider their penises as the basis of their masculinity. For them, a big penis usually means more manly than other people.

Two things should be considered when you decide your penis size: the length and the girth. The length is how long your penis will extend during erection, while the girth pertains to the thickness of your penis when you become sexually aroused.

There are only a few people who are gifted on both length and girth. However, men should not worry any longer. Because of the advancement of men’s knowledge and technology, they have devised the latest invention that will stand out among other penis enlargement products. The Male Extra is the latest addition to the penis problems which uses systems, and exercises to give you the penis size you have dreamed of for so long.

At an affordable price, you get a penis Male Extra system that can double your length and girth for only a short amount of time. This idea rooted from the system of orthopedics that could lengthen the arms and the legs without doing any damage to the body parts. This process has been done by people in the past, which just shows its effectiveness when used.

The system is easy to use, and you no longer need a doctor’s help to learn how to use it. Simply wear it up to eight hours a day. You do not need to worry about damaging your penis, since it applies pressure that is enough to lengthen your thing. It can even correct penises with crooked erections.

You also get access to a database filled with exercises. These are meant to add their enlargement effect to that of the Male Extra system. All you need to do is to perform 20 to 30 minutes of exercises a couple of days per week in order to help your penis grow in length and girth. The exercises come with detailed text and video explanations.

Some more positive effects of Male Extra are longer and thicker penises, more production of your cells, and a safer erection and orgasm.

With Male Extra, you are assured to have the results you want without any side effects on your body. It only uses exercises and systems that have been tried and tested by men for years.

Different Cultures and Circumcision (How They Do It)

Circumcision is fundamentally, the partial or total elimination of the male genitalia’s foreskin. This procedure is executed for various reasons, the most common being the obligations imposed by various religions. As such, many ritualistic activities accompany the procedure. Circumcision is, at present, performed in several countries with various cultural histories, among which are the Jewish and Muslim countries, West African countries, the United States and some Asian countries, like South Korea and the Philippines. In the three last-mentioned countries, circumcision involves a simple medical procedure and hardly involves any symbolism and ritual. The most prolific and symbolic use of circumcision involves the Jewish, African and Muslim cultures, which are deeply immersed in their religions.

For the Jews, circumcision is viewed as a portion of the covenant God concluded with Abraham. This procedure, called the Bris Milah, is carried out on the child during the 8th day reckoned from his birth. The person performing the surgery is called the Mohel, who is trained in both the surgical procedure and the appropriate Jewish law or religious provision. The Mohel is the only qualified person in Jewish law to perform the Bris because only he is acquainted with both the physical and spiritual facets of the entire ritual. The circumcision ritual involves a “sandek” or godfather, who must hold the child while the surgery is being performed. A vacant chair is also placed on one side, from which, the prophet Elijah can watch over the ritual in its entirety. After several blessings and the giving of the child’s proper Hebrew name, the surgery is then performed by stretching the prepuce through an opening in a metal shield, then cutting the projecting skin.

Muslims also perform circumcision for the religious purposes contained in the Hadith, which is a collection of traditions and sayings made by Muhammad. Some Muslims perform this process, called the Khitan, on the child’s 8th day, others between the sixth and eleventh years, and yet others on the thirteenth year of the child’s life. The process itself entails the elimination of the outer skin or prepuce so that the glans will become exposed for the child’s entire life. In some Muslim countries, no accompanying rituals are observed in the process because some consider the latter to have merely a hygienic purpose. For Africans, especially those undergoing the Xhosa ceremony, the ritual lasts for several days and involves countless tests and symbolic activities. The circumcision day itself entails the burning of all that the child used during the tests and thereafter burying the removed foreskin.

Since the Ancient Egyptian period, at which time circumcision was first recorded, until the present, the custom of circumcision has achieved notoriety all over the world. In fact, at this time, the debate still continues regarding its safety and moral soundness. One side of the argument states that circumcision is nothing but an immoral and cruel degradation of the human body. Moreover, since the procedure usually involves young boys, some people consider it both psychologically and physically damaging to the subject. The other side, however, not only proclaims that it is safe and virtually immune from any complication, but also lauds the incident benefits to the subject’s hygiene. They say that the procedure ensures a young boy’s cleanliness and protects him from diseases caused by accumulated bacteria and other harmful agents in the foreskin. Regardless of the soundness of either argument, it is nevertheless important to be informed about such a controversial and popular surgical procedure.

Reasons for the Increase or Decrease of Sperm Production

Although women stop producing egg cells upon menopause, they are born with all the eggs she will ever need. Men on the other hand, produce sperm cells upon puberty. Consequently, their daily activities may affect the sperm production process.

When the sperm fails to be produced properly or not at all, conception becomes almost impossible for his partner. There are various causes for the increases and decrease in sperm production. The factors that may affect the sperm quality could actually be summarized in six main points namely: sperm mobility, concentration, morphology, speed, count and last but not the least, sub-fertility. Drawbacks in any of these areas can vastly affect the chances of conception.

Sperm mobility refers to the sperm’s ability to move in a rather dynamic and active fashion. When it comes to healthy sperm, more than 50% of them may be considered as active if over 25% of them moving vehemently in one direction. Its significance can be understood by the fact that it enables the sperm to travel through the cervical canal, into the uterus and the fallopian tubes and finally, to break through the egg.

Next is concentration that refers to the measure of the number of sperm cells in a milliliter of semen. The average or normal concentration measures around 22 million sperm cells per milliliter of semen.

The third point is morphology. A healthy sperm cell bears a resemblance to a tadpole in shape. The oval head of the sperm holds the genetic material, while the center provides energy and the tail thrusts the sperm forward. In addition, experts believe that oddly shaped sperm are not capable of fertilizing an egg.

Speed is another factor that affects sperm quality. Based on the study made by the World Health Organization in a healthy male, beyond 25% of sperm will exhibit progressive mobility. These are the sperm with the best chance of successfully infiltrating and fertilizing an egg.

Sperm count is also a vital factor in sperm production. Count refers to the number of sperms in the fluid that is ejaculated. There are over 50 million sperms in a normal ejaculate, and a total count below 40 million may indicate decreased fertility.

The sixth and last factor is sub-fertility. The term refers to the couples that are unable to reach conception even after a year’s period of unprotected intercourse. However, this is different from infertility. The typical causes of male sub-fertility include sperm production problems, blockage in the sperm’s delivery progress, injuries to the testicles, low or high hormone production, anatomical problems, varicocele, past illnesses, side effects of medications, and sperm quality.

Increasing the volume of ejaculation has become a common obsession among men. During the past few years, the medical community had been committed to developing a safe and effective alternative treatment than the run of the mill advice that has been handed down from one generation to the next. Recent studies show that increasing sperm volume could actually be accomplished in two ways. First is by taking herbal supplements that contain amino acids and zinc. Amino acids, if taken regularly, are generally believed to increase ejaculate fluid. On the other hand, zinc seems to improve both the amount of sperm produced as well as the sperm’s ability to move spontaneously and independently. Together with amino acids, this will increase sperm volume significantly.

The second way is doing PC exercises. Although Kegel exercises can help you last longer, they can also aid in increasing sperm volume. Several exercises can help to keep your penis in great shape and shoot like a champion.

How to Increase Your Sperm Production through Volume pills

After watching porn stars drown in loads, increasing the volume of ejaculation has become a common desire among men. There are three main reasons why men nowadays have become obsessed in increasing how much sperm spurts out when they ejaculate.

The first reason is mainly for ego. Most men think that a large amount of ejaculate proves to their partners that they are indeed manly and virile. Some also tend to think that satisfaction in sexual experiences is measured by the amount of ejaculation.

Another reason is to enhance sexual gratification. This is applicable to those taking anti-depressants. Difficulty in achieving orgasm is a common side effect of such medications along with the decline in sex drive. Consequently, men under prescription anti-depressants are constantly searching for a safe and natural way of improving their desire for sex as well as enhance their orgasms.

The third and last reason can be associated to fertility issues. Simply put, men wants to increase the volume of their ejaculation to help their partners to conceive.

During the past few years, the medical community had been committed to developing a safe and effective alternative treatment than the run of the mill advice that has been handed down from one generation to the next. Several companies have sought to develop a safe, non-prescription herbal formula that is capable of boosting ejaculatory volume and sperm production while enhancing sperm motility and thus, the phenomenal influx of sperm enhancement products in the market,

Volume Pills is one such product. This is an all natural and FDA approved enhancement formula that is proven to increase sperm quantity and quality. In some ways, Volume Pills is the union of modern and ancient medicine. It contains herbs and amino acids that for centuries have been used to increase libido, sexual stimulation and virility. These ingredients have been involved in conscientious medical trials and carry doctor recommendations.

Compare to other products, Volume Pills contains a unique blend of ingredients that provides the nutrients needed to create quality, thick sperm with good motility and life. Aside from increasing sperm volume, men could also enjoy other benefits of Volume Pills such as longer orgasm, increased sexual desire, intensified orgasm, rock hard erections, powerful ejaculations and improved fertility.

The product is sold only from their official site which is volumepills. Another perk in this exclusive offer is their guaranteed scheme. Customers can try Volume Pills for 2 months and if they do not experience a noticeable increase in sperm volume then they’ll have an entire year to make a refund request.

One piece of advice for any man interested in increasing their ejaculation volume, forcefulness of their orgasms, sexual satisfaction from orgasms, or chances of natural conception try volume pills: Volume pills help. If you do not achieve the desire result, you’ll surely get your money back. With this risk free offer, no wonder this product had swiftly become a leader in this field.

Cleanliness and Circumcision

The subject of circumcision is similar to discussing religion or politics. Most people are likely to have strong views on the subject from an empathic position that no amount of evidence could change their positions. After hearing countless argument of family and friends about circumcised versus uncircumcised, I have found that the best that I can do is to provide information and make people aware of some of the main facts about circumcision.

Circumcision is a subject that greatly affects medical politics. In as early as 1975, about 93% of all American boys are being circumcised or had their foreskin surgically removed just after birth. From then on, there has been a movement to stop such a medically unnecessary practice. Today the figures had considerably dropped down. In 1990, only 63% of infant males were circumcised for reasons other than religious traditions.

The practice of circumcision is routinely done for hygienic and not medical reasons. Many people believe that it is more hygienic or at least it is easier to care for penis if it is circumcised. Infection or inflammation of the foreskin affects about 10% – 14% of uncircumcised boys, while inflammation of the “glans” or “balanitis” is twice as common in uncircumcised children as circumcised and greater than five folds in adults.

On the other hand, urinary tract infections occur in about 1 in 100 uncircumcised boys in the first year of life, and 1 in 1,000 in circumcised boys. There is also an increased risk of inflammation and infections of the foreskin and glans in uncircumcised males. However, it all comes down to personal opinion whether the increased risks are significant enough to warrant circumcision.

Aside from medical politics, the subject of circumcision also affects our sexuality. There are several advantages for circumcised men when it comes to sexuality. First is that circumcised male have no need to worry about daily cleansing of his foreskin. Meanwhile, men with an intact foreskin must take special care to move it up and down and clean it inside its covered areas to avoid odors or serious infection because of material buildup. Consequently, there might be some bacteria and germs that could surface thus affect their sexual health.

Second advantage is that some women prefer a man with a circumcised penis because it may move inside them in a less friction-based manner. Once he is inside the vagina, the unhooded penis may easily slide up and down to create pleasure for both partners.

Safe sex is an added concern for uncircumcised men and their partners. Men with foreskins occasionally have difficulty finding the right condom or keeping one on during penetrative sexual activity. That spells trouble in bed as well as generates unneeded anxiety. However, with a proper fit and ample lubrication, the problem can be quickly assuaged.

When it comes to sexual pleasure, there is really no better or worse case because it all comes down to a matter of personal taste. Either way, both are medically acceptable conditions and may it be with either a covered or a clipped partner, you can still enjoy the ride.

Penis Size: Are you for Length or Girth?

There are few men out there who have not at least once in their lifetime ever taken out a ruler and measured their male member. A quick peek through history will tell you, poets, philosophers, writers and artists alike have all tried to define the average and above average measure for manhood. Erotic art is full of examples of exaggerated manhood, because it is generally believed that the penis mirrors a guy’s sexual power and vigor. It’s not difficult to see why bigger is still thought to be better even in this so-called new millennium.

So going back to the age-old question; “does size really matter?” Both men and women alike are desperate to know what really gives. Men are equally obsessed, if not more so, with their penis size as women are with their breast size. In fact a lot of them are keen on finding out ways to make their member larger. That explains why the penis enlargement industry is booming by leaps and bounds, offering everything from cream, pills, Male Extra systems, and even surgery. The media and the fanatical stories of ‘well-endowed’ men have probably contributed to the already bizarre subject of penis size.

Studies show that the average penis size is not the 12″ poles being bandied about in porn. Actually average is between 5.5 to 6.4 inches in erect length and 4.7 to 5.2 inches in girth. Now there’s one myth that needs to be put to rest: penis size is completely unrelated to height or hand, feet, and nose size simply because there is no bone in the penis.

You probably heard it from countless women that “it’s not the size that matters but how you use it.” Though the length of the penis has not much to do with sexual pleasure, girth on the other hand may indeed matter in the long run. As what some reproductive therapists explain countless times, it has something to do with stimulating our G-spot which is supposed to be located about two inches inside the upper wall of the vagina.

Anyway, personal preference is still based on the individual woman, some may like big while others small. When we ask a woman what does she prefer over penis length and penis girth, Courtney (not her real name), said that she likes her partner to have “meatier” penis, meaning fuller penis. She said that the nerves in her vaginal walls (located near the entrance of the vagina and the anus) are better stimulated during intercourse. Thus, girth might be significant here given that a meatier penis can stretch out the vaginal or anal walls that stimulate the nerves. This creates friction and sensation that most women crave during intercourse. She further added that even though the penis is the vital equipment in love making, it’s also the combination of skill, passion and romance that heightens the sensation.

To say that men who are small are no good in the sack is a hasty generalization and just short of discriminating. In general, women are more concern about the man’s entire package, rather than just the one between their thighs. Women also seek passion, intimacy and emotional connection. Try to show her your love by giving her flowers, a sensual massage, or a bath with rose petals.

To Circumcise or Not to Circumcise?

It is logical to assume that if we randomly pull two women from a crowded street and interview them, one of them might say that she prefers a circumcised man while the other may claim that she wants it otherwise.

Going back on the age-old question, which do women prefer: circumcised or uncircumcised? I had an opportunity to meet Jane (not her real name), a communication student in a southern college. According to her, she prefers her partner to be uncut. “Although I do base my opinion of a man on his big head, not his little one, I have to say that uncircumcised is better because there is more variation. Playing with the skin is like an added benefit, it feels comfortable while he is thrusting also. From my experience, cut penises tends to rub too hard and too much. A little friction is good, but too much can be quite painful. Uncut guys give just the right amount of friction and I like the way the skin moves back and forth in my mouth.”

Meanwhile, Alex a customer service representative prefers circumcised men mainly for hygienic reasons as well as sexual ones. “Based on my previous encounters, cleanliness is important because the penis tastes, smells, and looks more appealing. Plus, spur-of-the-moment sexual activity is more enjoyable with a man who is circumcised, because bathing efforts last for longer periods of time.”

As far as statistics are concerned however, a one-to-one profile will be meaningless. We need to go to a bigger perspective. The bottom line of course is the woman’s personal preferences but considerations on health should not be ignored. On one point, we have pain and shock; and on the other hand, we have pleasure and cleanliness. Women’s preferences in this subject have undoubtedly become more pertinent nowadays than let us say, two decades ago. During that long-ago era, about 90% of the male population in the Western world underwent circumcision but since then, a lot of lobbying has been done to stop this tradition. To date, only about 60% are circumcised for non-religious reasons.

So what are the reasons why women would prefer a circumcised man? If we based it on actual studies, one would be because it moves more smoothly during sex and as a result, both parties derive more enjoyment. Another is on the usage of condoms. Those who are uncircumcised would find it difficult keeping a condom on during actual sex.

In one particular survey conducted by a team of experts, 57% of the respondents said that they preferred circumcised penis because it looked more attractive. On the other hand, 33% preferred the other side. However, out of those unaccounted yet, 11 women said that their ideal male organ would be natural. Let us count out the anti-circumcision lobbyers and the remaining would be six respondents. Six whose “ideal penis” is untouched, so as far as this study is concern, the conviction that men in general are in favor of circumcision is highly exaggerated.

Still on this survey, with regard to oral sex, circumcision reigns supreme. About 80% of men who accepted oral sex were circumcised while the rest were not. Moreover, another study showed that circumcised men gave out more sexual contentment to the women. Among heterosexual men who engaged in sex at least once a month, it was concluded that 83% of those circumcised claimed that their partners achieved the orgasmic state while the remaining 17% claimed that their women did not. Of the uncircumcised, 53% claimed that their bed partners usually achieved climax and 47% revealed never or occasionally.

Before boring you to death with tons of figures, these significant comparative studies done over the years are still assumptions and nowhere near a conclusion. The general statement from women all over England, Singapore, North America, and other places is that circumcised penis wins.

Why did I say that we could safely assume but not definitely conclude? To carve it in stone would be too risky, indeed. There are other studies (done by equally intelligent and capable professionals) that concluded in favor of the uncircumcised. The outcome of these researches is that women are actually more at ease with what they are better acquainted with (and that is the natural). In one of these, what came out was a highly interesting piece of data that bulldozes the belief that circumcised men give “better sex” to women. This study said that 73% of the respondents said that “natural” men thrust more lightly and that their (the women’s) clitoris was in fact better “caressed,” obviously indicating that they enjoyed the sex more.

As far as the definite answer is concerned, the jury is still out although all things considered, we can fearlessly say that the circumcised still holds the edge.

Why penis pumps don’t work

Making use of a penis pump is one of the most common ways men attempt to obtain a larger penis. A penis pump is a simple system with a hollow tube where you can put your penis. It has a handle which sucks blood into the penis by creating a vacuum. The blood then gets caught in the penis by means of a rubber ring placed around the base. This ring allows your penis to maintain its erection so you can make love without losing the erection.

By creating a vacuum-type seal around the penis by pulling blood to the surface, it engorges your member and makes it appear larger. The sensations can be pleasant at first, but your penis will eventually return to its former size. These pumps are generally used by men who suffer from chronic insulin dependent diabetes or circulatory disorders. Men afflicted with these conditions have such poor blood circulation due to their sugar metabolism that they can’t get enough blood flowing into the area. With the suction created by the pump, the penis’s skin and underlying tissues are being stretch. The ring clamps off the blood flow and consequently traps the blood in the penis, making it look thicker and capable of sustaining erection. With the clamp firmly in place, men then can have sex with their partners. However, once you take the clamp off, the erection goes away.

Penis pumps are of greatest benefit when the penis is already erect or when you still have not achieved a full erection. The enlargement effect however is not long lasting and will disappear quickly once pumping ceases or if you remove the ring that keeps the blood pumped into the penis. Having said all these, penis pumps do not cause your penis to grow; they can only help you achieve fuller and harder erections temporarily.

Despite the obvious benefit one gains from using a penis pump, many men and their partners don’t like the system because the erection it produces is not “normal.” Some pump users complain that their penis feels numb or that it becomes discolored, misshapen, and cold to the touch. Other couples are uneasy about the interruption of intimacy it brings to lovemaking. Also, some men find that the constriction ring at the base of the penis causes mild discomfort upon ejaculation.

Penis pumps can be dangerous if used improperly. Take caution when using one and ensure that whatever pump you use has a reliable pressure gauge and that you follow the instructions closely. Furthermore, using the wrong kind of vacuum pump and using it too often can burst blood vessels in the penis, peel skin, cause general pain, and soreness. They also tend to thin out the penis, making it very weak and reducing the duration of erections. There are some cases of penis pumps even deforming the penis. Some men have found out that after using a penis pump for a period of time, the only way they would be able to obtain an erection is with the pump.

Stress and Aging

Modern life can be stressful. There are so many concerns that you have to worry about like work, family, relations, and other activities. Sometimes you have to juggle or walk on a tightrope of schedules, deadlines, meetings, and extracurricular activities.

Usually, when you are stressed, your heart speeds up and your head pounds. What actually happens is that your pituitary gland releases a certain hormone, which in turn triggers your adrenal glands to release stress hormones (i.e., cortisol and adrenaline) into your bloodstream. As a result, several of your body’s progresss are upset.

You may likely feel a stomachache coming or experience diarrhea when you’re stressed out. You also tend to feel hunger pangs resulting to weight gain. Stress also makes you susceptible to sickness like colds and other infections in addition to skin problems, sleep disorders, anxiety, depression, and loss of sex drive.

Stress also likely speeds up aging. According to a study done by the doctors in University of California at San Francisco, chronically stressed women displayed chromosomal changes characteristic of increased aging. They found out that the telomeres (found at the ends of the chromosomes) of these women tend to be shorter than the less-stressed women. Telomeres shorten as we age; thereby the length of the telomeres is an indication of aging. When telomeres cannot be possibly any shorter, they die out which is evident in skin wrinkles, organ failure, etc.

That’s why you need to lower the level of stress in your life. You can do that by taking care of your body and leading a healthy lifestyle. Have a balanced diet, adequate rest, and regular exercise. Relax and learn to enjoy your life. Take up a hobby that will help you take your mind off things like reading, knitting, collecting stamps, playing sports, or gardening. Join a club, support group or organization where you can meet other people with the same interests. Try joining the community play, take up dancing classes and acting workshops, help in local charities or fund raisers. Who knows you might even discover your hidden talents?

Learn deep-breathing exercises and practice meditation or Yoga. Visit the gym regularly or join a fitness group that will help you stay fit and healthy. Another option is to have massages and rub downs. This will help loosen up your muscles and calm your nerves.

At times, you just have to be positive about things and be less negative or pessimistic. Try to smile at people you meet on the streets, watch a movie or a play, have a new hairdo, change your wardrobe, and have the time to smell the roses.

Another good practice is having your regular medical check-ups to ensure your good health every time. Sometimes, when your level of stress is remarkably high, you need to get help. Seek out the support of friends and family, change jobs, re-prioritize your life, or consult with a psychologist, psychiatrist, or social worker.

Life can really be full of challenges. Learn how to cope up and remember to always look at the bright side of life. If you feel that stress is getting the better of you, don’t hesitate to seek help. A stress-free life can definitely add up to your years.

Threats to Male Fertility

Both a man and the woman need to be healthy in order to produce a child. When a couple cannot conceive a child in a span of one year, they might be having infertility problems. According to research, infertility affects 10% (or about 6.1 million) Americans in the reproductive age. Contrary to myth, infertility is not always a “woman’s problem.” A third of the cases (about 35% are actually due to male infertility factors.

Infertility in men may be caused by many factors such as low sperm count (or nothing at all), ejaculation problems, or “abnormal” sperm, which is said to be malformed and have a short life span.

Generally, your fertility is based upon your general health. If you live a healthy lifestyle, there is a high probability that your sperm will also be healthy. There are quite a number of threats that may affect male fertility. Nicotine, alcohol and drugs (e.g., marijuana and cocaine) are on the top of the list. According to studies, smoking drastically decreases the sperm count and overall health of sperm cells.

Poor diet (malnutrition) can also contribute to male infertility, including deficiency in vitamin C and zinc in your diet. Some diseases (e.g., tuberculosis, fevers, anemia, and mumps in adulthood) and infections are also suspect. These are infections of the reproductive progress such as epididymitis, orchitis, and prostatitis. Some sexually transmitted disease such as chlamydia or gonorrhea also damages the spermatic ducts. You also risk transmitting your disease to your partner causing her to be infertile.

Some medications are also believed to be causes of male infertility. This include cancer-treating agents (e.g., chemotheraphy), anti-fungal medication (ketoconazole), antidiarrheal drug (sulfasalazine), Azulfidine (a drug used to treat ulcerative colitis), and some groups of antibiotics (nitrofurans and macrolides). Likewise, the use of anabolic steroids is also known to cause testicular shrinkage and infertility.

Other threats to male fertility also include testosterone deficiency, trauma or injury to the testes, structural abnormality or blockage in the vas deferens, and varicocele, a varicose vein in the testicle that produces too much heat harming and killing sperm.

Some are also connected to your lifestyle, like excessive stress, overly intense exercise (may lower your sperm count by producing higher levels of adrenal steroid hormones, which lower the amount of testosterone in the body), tight underwear or jogging pants, hot tubs, saunas, or anything that raises the temperature of your scrotum, including overheated vehicles and hot work environments, and exposure to environmental hazards such as pesticides, lead, paint, mercury, benzene, boron, radiation (x-ray), radioactive substances, and heavy metals.