Penis Enlargement and Male Enhancement

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Steroids Can Shrink a Man’s Penis

Steroids are medically generated substance used for various medical purposes. It is commonly utilized to enhance body growth. Basically, steroids are used by body builders, athletes, and people with active occupations. Some forms of steroids are used in performing surgeries and as pain reliever. The use of steroids requires a prescription from an authorized physician. However, steroids are definitely banned I all sports. In fact, a lot of big name sports personalities have been linked to the use of steroids. Accordingly, the misuse of steroids can lead to a lot of side effects, which causes diseases and even death.

The most common form of steroid is the anabolic steroid. Essentially, steroids promote growth of tissues and muscles. Every man has secretes a hormone called testosterone, which is responsible for the physical growth during puberty. The purpose of anabolic steroids is enhancers to make the androgenic effects possible, which make a man’s sexual features, develop fast. Because of this, a lot of men have used steroids to boost their penis size and erection. However, steroids are expensive, does is not affordable to all men. To remedy this problem, some men take other steroid containing substance.

The use of steroids entails a lot of negative effects to the body. These side effects are described to be severe and can even cause death. Most steroids permanently damage the organs and other parts of the body. The male reproductive organ is one of the most susceptible to the damage caused by steroids. This is because, anabolic like hormones are also produced by the male reproductive organ. The use of steroids can cause temporary and permanent impotence. The effect of steroid is so strong that even increased libido or sexual desire will not make a penis erect. The penis may erect, but it may not really serve its purpose. In essence, the steroids paralyze the ability of the penis to perform its functions.

On the other hand, studies show that there is no direct linkage to penis shrinkage and steroids. Normally, a penis will shrink if man is out of sexual desires. Another reason is that tight underwear may cause the penis to reduce in size. The bad thing is that the steroids may cause the penis to stay shrunk. This is because erection will be a problem and it is the only way for the penis to grow. Others think that the use of steroids could have resulted to a permanent shrinkage. When the damage has been done, every effort to bring back the usual form of the penis will be futile.

With everything said, steroids may not directly cause the shrinkage of a penis. However, the use of steroids may aggravate the situation. Steroids may cause tremendous growth in the body, but the side effects should be more emphasized. A temporary growth may indeed lead to permanent distraction. As advised, would be steroid user must be able to secure the necessary prescriptions from knowledgeable physicians. Provided with the damages that steroid brings, it will be eye opener to all that everything has its advantages and disadvantages.

Male Extra Promotes Penis Enlargement Through Exercise

Penis enlargement is one of the most talked about issue with the circle of man. Accordingly, the size of a man’s penis can make or break his ego. Even before, there are a lot of methods used for penis enlargement. Some have even gone to a lot of experimentations to invent pills, creams, and other medications. However, none of these products have been effectively used. To the clients’ disadvantage, some products have even caused infectious side effects leading to deadly diseases. Penis enlargement has become very prominent as seen in a lot of products advertised in the market. Year after year, men who want their penis to be enlarged have increased in numbers. No certainty has been indicated as when this bandwagon will come to an end. Above all, penis enlargement becomes more of a priority than a luxury.

The most common way is by penis exercise. It is considered as the easiest and the cheapest among the methods being used. Theoretically, when exercised, the penis can grow in size significantly. Plus penis exercise can be done without hassles and disturbances. The most important part o the penis that has to be considered is the Corpora Cavernosa. It is the part that increases in size through a dedicated massage. The exercising tends to stock the blood in the Corpora Cavernosa and causes the penis to bulge. Penis exercise also results to a good ejaculation, prolonged duration of erection, increase in fertility, and a sizable penis. This method of penis enlargement has is now widely practiced by a lot of men. This is very easy to do and it is not expensive unlike the pills, tablets, and creams for penis enlargement. The method is guaranteed to be painless. Above all, this way of increasing the size of the penis is the safest and doest not exhibit any side effects.

Male is a premiere site, which caters the needs of most man especially in penis enlargement. It offers a comprehensive site full of information including video demonstration on how to correctly exercise man’s penis. The techniques are developed out of the newest technology to make a sound exercise scheme. Aside from those, most of the information is researched based conducted by experts who earned their degrees in highly distinguished institutions. Male has been enjoying a lot of success since it started its campaign. It is a site like no other and most the methods it provides are very exclusive. With this, patrons are assured that they are the only ones who are aware of such penis exercise techniques. Aside from the famous penis enlargement, there are other services that the site offers. These include fertility development, hard erection, improvement of stamina, and straightening of the penis. More importantly, the site is easily accessed and directional information is available to guide male customers around the site. To make each clients visit significant, a forum is set up where clients can ask for questions, make suggestions, and give comments about the site. People are readily available to provide the best service and courteous responses.

Penis Size and Male Dominance

In a group of males, there are a lot of things that determines who leads the pact. Depending on the aspect involved, it is a normal situation when a lead male is designated to represent the group. There’s a lot of factors that are considered in knowing the presence of dominance. However, in most male groups, the feeling of dominance does not necessarily mean that the dominant male gets everything. Apparently, understanding the existence of domination in a male group is not a complex task. Psychologically, males are more than open with the idea of making someone ahead of them. The theory of association states that ones a person is acquainted to someone who is considered as a public figure, that person too becomes identified as such. This reality helps men in understanding the essence of having someone as the head of the group.

Studies suggest that men are more liberated when it comes to discussing their sexuality with their peers. In fact, it is considered a taboo for a man who refuses to divulge any of his sexual activities. Even the most private man will participate in any conversation about sex provided that personal details are set aside. Usually, men discuss the women whom they had sexual encounters. It is common for a group of men to compare and later on come up with an agreement. The man with the best experience wins and gets the nod of all members to be the first to choose should they decide to have sex with someone. It is normal for men to bet on who among them had provided their sexual partners the best satisfaction.

With sex as the central topic, it is no secret that men also discuss the size of their penises. Traditionally, the penis is the measurement of a man’s ability to have a great sex. In a group of men, the one with the largest penis size in considered as the master. He provides all the suggestions on sexual methods and the dos and don’ts of sex. When it comes to sex, the man with the largest penis size is the dominant figure and is often admired by his peers. In reality, the order in a male group with regards to sex is always based in the size of the penis. Such that the bigger the penis, the higher the position of a man in the group. Although foreplay and other factors are important, a big penis will definitely offset whatever weakness a man has in having sex.

Indeed, there are different measurements used to trace male dominance. However, the circumstances exhibit that the penis size is more than a reasonable indicator. In a group of men, sex is an issue that is allotted with a lot of time for discussion. In a situation when a group of men engages in a simultaneous sex, the group member with the largest penis size will always make the first move. This is to make an impression that all other members have the same size of penis. It may look like a disadvantage fir some men, but being identified with someone with a big penis is not a bad distinction. The idea gives a good impression to girls and an opportunity for some men to experience the best sex of their lives.

Penis Size and a Man’s Ego

Man and sex are two words that get along so well. In reality, even the most conservative man has a wide idea about sex. In the present society, men are still considered as the dominant figures. Even with the emergence of women, men are still I the forefront of every development in ideas, politics, economics, and all other areas of knowledge. Given these facts, men’s ego is really upon the pedestal. However, not all tangible things and visible situations affect a man’s ego. In most cases, sex is believed to be a major determinant. Although some men are privy about the matter, the truth sex is an important player that distinguishes a man’s ego within the circle of his peers.

The penis is a very important part for men. Some say that when it is lost, then there is no more reason to live. Most men feel that their penises are their guide towards immortality and their ticket to fame. Unfortunately, not all men are that contented with the penis that they have. Anatomy suggests that the size of penis is totally dependent of genetics. Though growth enhancers will help, the feeling of being small still lingers in a man’s mind. More often than not, a man with a small penis will deviate from sex talk or any concerns regarding the use of the penis. A man’s ego is totally washed up once others start to realize that his penis will never be used effectively.

It is normal to have a conception that man’s ego is tantamount to the size of his penis. As always, a man with a huge penis gets all the beautiful girls, and is being the object of every woman conversation. A big penis attracts a lot of women and with the increase in women attachment to is a man’s ego. Studies indicate that even a small penis can satisfy a woman while having sex. However, man’s ego will always contradict to that fact and insists that a huge penis is a necessity. A big penis translates to sexual desires, and a good sex means satisfaction.

In a family, the primary goal of the parents is to procreate. Such is a daunting task ahead of every man who plans to build their own home. In the minds of men, having a lot of children requires a lot of sex. Men believe that the size of the penis plays an important role in encouraging their wives to have sex. A small penis is indeed a problem to all men because enticing their wives to have sex will be hard. Of course, when a wife is dissatisfied, she may blame her husband’s in capacity or the small penis that her husband have.

The penis size is always an important factor to men. Though it may sound physical, the effect of a small penis does its damage psychologically. The size of the penis may not necessarily determine how man is viewed in the society. However, a man cannot deny the fact that size really matters.

Briefs Vs. Boxer Shorts

The revolution in fashion has created a lot of changes in men’s underwear. Designers every now and then reinvent briefs and boxer shorts. The difference between the two is basically in the size and fit. Briefs are smaller, thus they fit perfectly to the body of men. On the other hand, boxers are buggy and cooler when used. Men’s preference differs a lot in choosing the best between the two. Briefs are said to be sexy and defines the figure of men. Some use briefs because it is the traditional underwear. Others find boxer shorts very annoying especially when they use fitted pants. Boxer shorts are for the conservatives and for those who are uncomfortable with tightly fit underwear. There are more than enough reasons why some men use boxer shorts and why some men use briefs.

Recently, a lot of arguments have been created as to which between the two will be beneficial to men’s fertility. According to some, tight briefs generate a lot of heat. They say that heat can cause infertility that is why a lot of brief patrons have shifted from their usual underwear. Another viable reason is that briefs prevent movement of the penis. It is said that constant exercise by the penis will help in stimulating and erecting it. In addition, the blood will flow more freely enabling the penis to serve its purpose. With the influx of arguments about the bad effects of briefs to men’s fertility, there has not been any significant change of the part of men in terms of underwear preference. In fact, brief manufacturers insist that such claims are untrue as proven by some studies, which showed no significant difference in the use of briefs and boxer shorts to man fertility.

According to a study, sperm sterilization can be caused by sudden increase of temperature in the testes. So much heat will destroy some of the sperm cells until a man reaches infertility. In the experiment, men were asked to wear briefs and boxer shorts. The most important factor was the difference of the heat in the testes when using a brief or a boxer short. The results suggested that the claim on briefs causing heat is purely exaggeration. Briefs do not generate enough heat to disturb the balance in men’s reproductive organs. To boot, there is no significant distinction observed in terms of the temperature of the testes after using a brief and a boxer short. Moreover, the preference to use a brief or a boxer short has no effect in the fertility of men. Therefore, the advice given to men to use boxer shorts instead of briefs is proven as scientifically and medically baseless.

The facts clearly indicate that choosing between a brief and a boxer short should not be based on fertility issues. Since, there are no significant differences, style and comfort will be the determinants in selecting the best underwear. Brief users have no reasons to panic and boxer shorts users have nothing to argue about. The only thing that should separate both is the design and nothing else.

Aphrodisiacs: The Libido Enhancers

Diet plays a vital role in increasing sexual urges. In fact, there are foods known as aphrodisiacs that increase the libido. Aside from sexual desires, it is believed that these foods increase the ability of people to have sex. Traditionally, people use different herbs and plants to serve as sexual stimulants. On the other hand, love potions are also available and are used to entice partners in having sex. With the advancement of modern science, a lot of food supplements where invented to increase sexual desires. However, based on experiences, natural food is still considered to be more effective in conditioning the minds of couples towards a sexual engagement. Apparently, a healthy lifestyle is deemed as a better option rather than the usual sex toys.

Spices are known over the world as preservatives and flavorings. In reality, these foods also contribute in psychologically developing sexual desires. The hot sensations caused by chilies are being transported to brain, thus creating a different kind of urge. These foods also increase the beating of the heart, which normally happens during sexual encounters. Another food used as sex boosters are chocolates. Old timers regularly use cocoa powder and make them into drinks before having sex.

The foods that we eat are sometime equated with the sexual organs. In effect, the foods with similar appearance to the sexual organs are likely to increase sexual urges. For instance, ginseng more like resembles the human body. In most East Asian countries, ginseng is used not only for physical rejuvenation but also to provide more libidos. Its effect of strengthening the physical body helps in enhancing sexual desires. Another example is the banana, which is quite similar in shape and in appearance with the penis. Accordingly, bananas are effective in affecting the minds of people before having sex. Moreover, bananas contain phosphorus, which is one nutrient that develops interest of engaging in sex. Finally, oysters are said to be similar with the female vagina. Eating oysters create a sensation inside the body, which later on translates to yearning for sex. Oysters contain energy enhancers, which contribute in the development of sexual desires in peoples’ minds.

As time goes, people have re-invented most of the available aphrodisiacs in the market. People have created recipes with its ingredients considered as sexually enhancing. Common aphrodisiac dishes include tomatoes because of the presence of lycopene, which generates sexual desires. In drinks, people mix different sexually enhancing ingredients to further increase the libidos.

Sex is an important part of every couple. Such reality explains why people have been very driven in finding the best foods to improve their sexual desires. Notwithstanding the fact that these are cheaper means compared to the regularly used sexual enhances. Another reason is that these foods are readily available and takes little effort to be produced. Since sex and diet are both important, there is always a good reason to equate both. It means the effect of foods is not only limited to the bodily nourishment. Indeed, some instances prove that food enhances other human activity like sex.

A Bigger Base or a Bigger Head?

Most people say size matters but does it really? It is true that some women get turned on by large penises. No wonder some men are looking for ways and means to make their penis bigger. This “problem” typical to men has lead to the rise of male enlargement products or paraphernalia.

Male enhancement products are making quite a boom in the industry. Men are patronizing these products because they care about pleasuring their partners in bed. Other men purchase this to bring up their self-esteem for they have small penis size. Whatever the reason for purchasing the product, it all comes down to one issue–pleasure. It’s either pleasuring their partners or boosting their egos, it could be the same thing. Happiness is still the issue.

These male enhancement products profess to make a man’s penis larger. There are different methods that can enhance penis size. A man can either perform some exercises, take pills or use sex toys. Various products yield different results related to sexual satisfaction.

But there are women who would rather have their men to have average sized organs. The reason? An overly huge penis can cause them pain. This is especially true if a man does not know how to handle his partner with care. He just goes “wham-bam-slam” and it’s all over. These kinds of men should learn how to please their partners.

In a conversation with a sexual tone, it is possible that the appearance of a penis will come up. What is more important, a bigger head or a bigger penile base? Most, if not all, would probably answer that a bigger head is important. This statement may be right but it may also be wrong. The important thing is the couple both experience pleasure.

A bigger base is more important than a bigger head. This is what some women will most likely answer. A penis with a bigger head may seem really good to look at. But a penis with a bigger base feels better when getting it on. Why? This is because a woman’s most sensitive sexual organ is the clitoris. The tip of the penis can’t stimulate the clitoris once the penis is already inside. The base therefore will take the role of pleasing the woman. A bigger penile base will most likely brush the clitoris when the man is having sex with his partner. The friction between the penile base and the clitoris will feel absolutely marvelous for the woman.

Besides, there are instances that some couples do not “fit” perfectly. A penis may prove to be too small for a woman’s vagina. At other times, a big penis might not get inside it but this should not hinder their satisfaction. The couple should let their creative juices flow. They may opt to try various positions to find out what sexual position suits them best.

What is better, pills or exercises?

What is the better way to enhance the penis size, pills or exercise? That is the question that has been bothering men for years.

Throughout the centuries, men have always yearned for a bigger penis size. It is a given that not all men are endowed with the gift of a big and thick penis. If someone has a big penis, he is always considered as the man of all mans in his community. Those who did not receive this gift are considered as boy who is not yet matured. They are always mocked, bullied, and laughed at for their considered imperfection, even though it is not their faults.

Most men nowadays have average or even small-sized penises, but it does not mean they are immature. They don’t have to feel sorry for it because that is hereditary. As a result, they keep on inventing exercises, systems, herbal medicines that can remedy their problem.

The penis exercises have been popular among men who have small sexual organs, and it goes back to centuries. The most common of these exercises is jelqing. Stories say that this technique originated from Arabia and often practiced by men who are about to get married. To please their future wives, they do this exercise. These exercises commonly called milking or power jelqing.

This exercise is believed to increase the length and girth of a penis. All you have to do is massage your penis for at least 45 minutes per session. In jelqing exercises, it usually takes up to 45 minutes to finish one session. Despite that, people still practice the exercise in hopes of achieving their dream size.

Even though jelqing is a natural way to increase penis size, jelqing exercises can also damage your penis when you put too much pressure on your organ. Too much of these exercises is not good and can damage the penis. One common disorder after jelqing is temporary erection damage, which will require you to stay away from sex for a while. When the penis gets exercised too much, it usually changes color, and this is as sign that you should consult your doctor.

Pills have also been invented to remedy the penis problems of men. Scientists, doctors, and even nutritional experts have worked together to create the best and effective penis pill. Instead of the usual chemical ingredients, they have used the method of eastern medicine to create an all-natural pill. Its ingredients are usually made from plant extracts and herbal medicine, which is guaranteed to have no side effects on the body. Men can easily absorb the pills because of its edible components.

When choosing the pill that is right for you, make sure that they are made from natural ingredients. The chemically-composed pills, with ingredients manufactured from laboratories, usually contain components that may harm the body if used.

Pills and exercises can definitely increase the penis size. However, if a man takes the penis pills and also do some jelquing exercises, the results will be achieved quickly. The secret is just to keep the balance. Avoid overdoing the exercises because it may damage the penis, and do not keep on taking more pills as prescribed by the instructions. If you follow everything and do it right, you can achieve the length and width you have been waiting for in a short amount of time.

World Record for the Biggest Penis

Men have always considered their penis size as an important factor in their sexual and psychological health. With an enlarged penis comes self-confidence, more active social and sexual life, and, of course, a certain amount of edge in the ongoing subconscious battle for the position of the alpha male. Consequently, the question on many men’s minds is probably as to who has the largest human penis. Many studies have attempted to answer this question, but the results have been conflicting. Of course, the matter of man’s penis size is not a very ideal subject for objective study. The reason is that all men of the human specie want to claim the honor of having the largest penis. Moreover, countless ways exist nowadays to keep artificially augmenting the natural endowment of any man. Thus, it has become harder and harder to determine the answer to this important question.

For the man’s most pressing sexual concern, the first thing to be done is determine if his penis size at least meets the averages. There are several statistics dealing with today’s average penis sizes. Generally, Caucasian males have penis sizes averaging about 6.2 inches long, with the approximate circumference of 3.2 inches. However, studies conducted as early as 1795, have invariably shown that the African Negro race has superior penis length and roundness. Contrary to this, the studies conducted by the famous Kinsey Institute report only a minimal advantage for Negro races, whose genitals measure 6.3 inches in length and 3.7 in circumferences. In order to be closer to the truth, more conclusive data should be gathered in this area since the sampling of test subjects done in that particular Kinsey study yielded only about 50 black males as opposed to the 2,500 Caucasian males. This unequal sampling does not prove the figures given beyond doubt.

Now that the averages have been established, it would be proper to tackle the matter of the world’s largest penises. Unfortunately, the more precise details like the names of those blessed with the record-holding penises are very elusive pieces of information. However, the penis sizes themselves are easy to find. The largest, but unofficial measurement was obtained by Dr. David Reuben. He was able to encounter a subject with a penis that was 14 inches long, when erect, in 1969. This amazing information, however, remains unverified to this date. Thus, the official rank of the largest penis belongs to a man measured and documented by Dr. Robert Dickinson in the earlier part of the twentieth century. This record-holding penis was 13.5 inches in length and 6.25 inches in circumference. Several other studies from Alfred Kinsey, and other known scientists yielded impressive results, which ranged approximately from 9.5 to twelve inches.

At present, various claims from men all over the world have been made to several institutions stating that they possess even larger penises. The problem with the present claims, however, is that men nowadays are presented with so many opportunities for self-enhancement, that it becomes difficult to judge the validity of their claims. The present record holder’s penis was measured in the earlier part of the 1900’s, which nullifies most of today’s technological advancement in penis enlargement. Thus, until this date, Dr. Dickinson’s documented case remains to be the most valid candidate as the alpha male of the species.

The History of Penis Enlargement

Many people believe that the phenomenon of male genital enhancement is a result of changing human sexuality. They believe that men nowadays have suddenly developed a sort of male vanity, probably as a result of heightened sexual activity in present society. However, the above proposition would be entirely false. It can be said that modern society has suddenly acquired a more intense state of sexual activity, the male enhancement is by no means, a novel idea.

As far back as the Ancient Greek period, a special treatment is awarded the male genitalia. Though the ancient Greeks actually preferred small genitals, they nonetheless, exerted extra effort in ensuring that their genitals remained healthy. Their refined tastes led them to view small penises as aesthetically superior over large ones. During this period, young men exercised naked and they protected their genitals by stretching the prepuce over the glans and fastening it, using a ribbon to the penile base.

Around two thousand years ago, the practice of weight hanging began to gain popularity in several tribes in Africa. It has also been proposed that this practice goes as far back as ancient Egypt, wherein the pharaohs themselves used it to increase their sexual enjoyment. Weight hanging simply means hanging systems at the penis’ end in order stretch the tissues that comprise the penis shaft. While this technique has been proven effective in lengthening the penis, it has also resulted in diminished penile girth. Moreover, it has also been shown to result in inadequate blood circulation within the penis cells, depriving them of their much needed supply of oxygen and other nutrients necessary for their survival.

Safer and less drastic methods for male genital enhancement were also developed in ancient times. One is the application or ingestion of herbal aphrodisiacs and the other is the employment of penile exercises. The vast selection of treatments offered by Chinese herbal medicine included ginseng and yohimbe, which are used until the present time to improve penile dimensions and increase the sexual appetite. Pills, patches and topical oils developed at present contain one or a mixture of these herbs to achieve natural and painless penile enhancement. Aside from these sexual effects, these herbal treatments are also known to either prevent or treat conditions like tuberculosis, kidney disorders, heart disorders and diabetes.

The ancient Arabic civilizations also placed a great importance to penile dimensions. Young Arab boys were given lessons in the penile exercise called Jelq, when they are finally coming of age. The Jelq involves massaging the semi-erect penis in a rhythmic and regular manner, enhancing blood pressure within the shaft. The effect of this technique appears in approximately a month, provided that it is done regularly and correctly.

Lastly, in the early 20th century, the penis enlargement pump was invented by an Austrian called Otto Ledever. This marks the beginning of modern equipment use in this area of cosmetic treatment. The penis pump basically creates a vacuum and causes the cells to swell with blood. With prolonged use, this technique was shown to have more lasting results.

These techniques are still present today in various forms. It is important to know the history of penile enlargement in order to have a better perspective of each technique’s background and effectivity. With this in mind, men can ascertain for themselves, which technique will be best suited for their purpose.