Penis Enlargement and Male Enhancement

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Ingredients of VolumePills and their explanations

The amazing VolumePills are a sexual performance booster like no other. Not only that the pills guarantee rock hard erections and longer performance, but they also provide a unique twist: bigger sperm loads. And better performance in bed is the forerunner of a lot of good things in a relation, like a loving partner and that nice feeling of content about the house.

The secret behind this wonderful achievement is the special selection of herbal components, whose power is supplemented by extraordinary effects of the Zinc Gluconate, Solidilin and Drilizen. The compounds help improve the quality and motility of sperm, the quality and timespan of erections and also the sexual motivation of subjects.

Aside from these three components, the pills are based on herbs that promote an improved health of the cardiovascular progress and a boost in the production of testosterone in the body. The vasodilatory group is made of Taj, Sunflower and Arjuna, coupled with Apigenin and Amla for helping to maintain blood vessels. These herbs work as a team to insure that more blood flows to your penis, thus insuring rock hard and longer lasting erections.

The testosterone boosters are Musli, Momordica, Shatavari and Cordyceps. With help from the metabolism streamliner Bladderwrack, these herbs help men increase the production of sperm beyond the average values. More sperm translates directly into longer and more fulfilling orgasms, which is practically too good to be true.

Also keep in mind that the tremendous increase in sexual stamina and sperm levels will not benefit just you, but also your partner. VolumePills will make her come back for more time and again, especially since you will be able to satisfy this pleasant increase in demand. Leave the average crowd behind and become a better man in bed with VolumePil

Do women like a lot of cum?

Yet another one of the questions that men like to ask themselves, whether they are successful in their love life or not. These are the little details that still make sex a wonder even for experienced players. So, do women like a lot of cum?

The answer is a big “YES”. Like it or not, the standards for beauty and sex appeal are encoded deep in our genes and we have little choice about certain things whether we like or dislike them. Most women like self-assured and opinionated men and this holds true regardless of all the “inner feelings” hype from the ’70s. Just like the big penis, a hairy chest or a deep voice, women see the large load of cum as part of the top male inventory.

It does not really matter if women see a bigger load as messy or gross on the rational level of their brain. They still like it deep inside because it pushes buttons in the most basic part of their minds. Just like men still fall for a big pair of breasts despite all the fashion trends that swept over this world.

Which brings us to the next logical question: if I have a small load, how do I make it bigger. Well, since the happiness of your ladies is at stake, I will provide you with a quick answer. The thing to do is to get your hands on some of those wonderful herbs, like Musli and Reishi Mushrooms, that helped men since the dawn of time to increase their sexual performance.

Alternatively you could go for a product that contains most of the sperm count and erection boosters known to man. With up to 500 percent reported gains in sperm volume, the VolumePills is the ultimate tool for the man who feels like moving out of the average crowd and closer to the top.

How to make your penis look bigger

Not all men are born hung like bulls, which is a pretty sad fact for most of us average guys. But that does not mean that you have to be exposed to the calculating eyes of ladies just as you were born. Men may be average in size, but some are still determined and clever enough to find ways of going round this problem.

So what can you do about it? Well, there are some simple tricks that you should always keep in mind like you keep that pack of condoms at the bottom of your jeans pocket: on a “just in case” basis. The first trick to make your penis look bigger than it is to shave or trim the pubic hair. You may think it to be one the things girls like about you or the secret of your famous endurance, but let me tell you: you want those extra inches, even if they’re just a trick. Pubic hair can sometimes hide the true size of a penis, so out it goes. Or just trim it, as you feel like it.

Another simple trick is to lose weight. Yep, getting rid of that pouch hanging in front of you or shedding part of the fat pad that hides the base of the penis can also provide you with some “magic” extra inches. I don’t think I have to tell you that your penis would look better poking straight out from your pubic area and not fighting to get out fro under your belly. Go for a diet or some exercises. Or both.

The final nice trick is to take a long, hot shower before sex. This will serve to expand the blood vessels and to draw the blood flow to the penis. A slight expansion is likely, as the ensuing arousal will bring even more blood to this area and create the illusion of a bigger penis. Hot, relaxing showers can also be a sexy beginning of your foreplay.

Have fun and stay safe.

Explanation of the different parts of the penis

The penis is the external male sexual and urination organ. It is made up of three columns of erectile tissue and it relies solely on engorgement with blood to reach its erect state during sex.

The erectile tissues are called “corpus spongiosum” and “corpus cavernosum”. The “corpus spongiosum” lies on the underside of the penis, while the two “corpora cavernosa” columns lie next to each other on the upper side. The end of the corpus spongiosum is enlarged and cone-shaped and forms the glans penis. The glans supports the foreskin (or prepuce), which is a loose fold of skin that in adults can retract to expose the glans. The area on the underside of the penis, where the foreskin is attached, is called the frenum.

The urethra, which is the last part of the urinary tract, traverses the “corpus spongiosum” and its opening, known as the “meatus”, lies on the tip of the glans penis. It is both a passage for urine and for the ejaculation of semen. Sperm is produced in the testes and stored in the attached epididymis.

During ejaculation, sperm is propelled up the vas deferens, two ducts that pass over and behind the bladder. Fluids are added by the seminal vesicles and the vas deferens turns into the ejaculatory ducts, which join the urethra inside the prostate gland. The prostate and the bulbourethral glands add further secretions, and the resulting semen is expelled through the penis.

The final feature of the penis is the raphe, which is the visible ridge between the lateral halves of the penis, found on the underside of the penis, running from the meatus (opening of the urethra) across the scrotum to the perineum (area between scrotum and anus).

History of circumcision and which countries / cultures participate

Circumcision is the removal of some or all of the foreskin (prepuce) from the penis. The word circumcision comes from the Latin words circum (meaning “around”) and caedere (meaning “to cut”). Female circumcision is a term applied to a variety of procedures performed on the female genitalia. Circumcision is usually performed for religious, cultural, and medical reasons. Elective adult circumcision may also be chosen as a form of body modification, or for aesthetic reasons.

The oldest documentary evidence for circumcision comes from Egypt. This technique was also widely practiced by Semitic peoples, Greeks and Romans, although it was not considered mandatory and certain people rejected it.

Judaism and Islam are the leading religions that see circumcision as mandatory practice for their members today, although Judaism is attaching a greater importance to this act. Jewish male children are circumcised eight days after their birth, unless health reasons force a delay. Islam clerics are less formal about the exact time of circumcision, although some communities still observe the eighth day practice of Judaism. One difference between the two religions is that Jewish male children are circumcised by a religious figure called “mohel”, while some Muslim communities, especially in Iran, take their children to hospital for circumcision.

The Roman Catholic Church rejected this practice at the Council of Florence in 1442. However, the members of the Coptic Christian and Ethiopian Orthodox churches still observe circumcision as mandatory.

Circumcision is also common in a number of African and Australian Aboriginal religious traditions, where it is used as a passage rite for young males. For some West African animist groups, such as the Dogon and Dowayo, circumcision represents a removal of “feminine” aspects of the male, while the Nilotic people hold periodical circumcision ceremonies that are used to group young males in age sets.

The United States, the Philippines and South Korea are the only countries that still practice circumcision routinely on a majority of males for non-religious reasons. Routine circumcision practices in South Korea are largely the result of American cultural and military influence following the Korean War.

How does VolumePills increase sperm count

The VolumePills sold by Lativio LLP is one of the best-known male enhancement progresss available on the Internet. Based on a unique blend of herbs and aminoacids, the pills work to increase the hardness of erections and to raise the quantity of sperm.

The herbs used by scientists to make the VolumePills have been used for centuries in certain parts of the world to increase libido, sexual stimulation, and virility. Many of these herbs have been used in Asia and South America for thousands of years as male sexual tonics, but Western medicine has forgotten about the ancient wisdom of other people.

Today these herbs are once again available to people everywhere through the excellent male enhancement product VolumePills. The unique blend stimulates sperm and testosterone production in the testes and allows the body to produce up to 500% more sperm and rock-hard erections. Scientists have mixed among the ingredients of VolumePills L-Arginine, Zinc Gluconate Cowhage, Momordica and Tribulus, which all serve to boost the level of testosterone in the body and to increase the motility and quality of sperm. The most important ingredient is L-Arginine, which is believed by experts to be able to double sperm count in 2 weeks. By using these substances to supplement your body’s own progresss, you are practically guaranteed bigger sperm loads every time and bigger sperm loads mean up to three times longer orgasms.

Not many men have experienced multiple orgasms, since it is hard for a man to ejaculate two or three times in a row. However, with the tremendous boost given by the VolumePills ingredients, you will have enough sperm to ejaculate not just once, but two or three times. This also means that you will no longer have to turn your lover down when she asks for another round.

How does VolumePills help erection hardness

The VolumePills sold by Lativio LLP is one of the best-known male enhancement progresss available on the Internet. Based on a unique blend of herbs and aminoacids, the pills work to increase the hardness of erections and to raise the quantity of sperm.

It is proven that the intensity of the male orgasm is directly tied to the hardness of his penis during ejaculation and the amount of semen ejaculated. This is why many men bought VolumePills, the only product to guarantee a rock-hard penis. If your orgasms are unsatisfying, then VolumePills can make you a happier man. If you are content with the quality of your orgasms, imagine how much more our product can do for you.

The unique blend of herbs has a direct impact on male libido, thus increasing the intensity of erection and the rigidity of your penis. Harder erections will not please you alone, but will also make sex more satisfying for your lover. Women are not known for their preference for weak erections, so why not choose something that will make them smile and ask for a second helping. Especially since the pills will also increase semen production for longer orgasms.

Lativio has received a huge amount of mail from satisfied customers who found that sex could be even more pleasurable than they thought. And who wouldn’t be happy to know that steel-like erections are practically guaranteed every night? While 100% safe, the special blend herbs tackle the male progress and boost overall virility, sexual appetite, and hormones. To ensure premium quality, VolumePills are manufactured in a cGMP Certified Pharmaceutical lab.

Doctor Endorsement

1 – The amazing ProSolution penis enlargement progress launched on the market by Lativio LLP is endorsed by the research of two doctors: Michael Carter and Khalid Alzwahereh.

Michael Carter is Doctor of Clinical Psychology who comes from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. After graduating high school, Dr. Carter obtained his Associate Arts degree in respiratory therapy from the Los Angeles Valley College and worked for several years as a Respiratory Therapist.

In order to learn more about world culture and knowledge, Dr. Carter joined the United States Navy as an air traffic controller. He served onboard the aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk for five years, which took Dr. Carter to 5 continents and many countries throughout the world. Dr. Carter left the Navy to pursue his business interests and educational goals.

He earned his Bachelor’s Degree in behavioral science from National University and later received both his Master’s Degree and his Doctorate Degree in clinical psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles.

Dr. Carter also has years of extensive training in “Relationship Building Concepts & Philosophies,” and couples therapy and is the founder of the Institute for Relationship.

Khalid M. Alzwahereh is an M.D. living in Los Angeles, California. His resume is truly impressive and testimony to his hard work. Dr. Alzwahereh has nine years of experience in orthopedic surgery as chief of an orthopedic department and three years experience coordinating and directing six clinical programs. He was a medical quality assurance instructor and a leading authority on supervised research programs.

Dr. Alzwahereh has extensive clinical expertise in Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery, Urology, Tissue and Organ Transplant. He is currently working as a clinical instructor at the Bryman College, after having successfully completed his OSHA training.

Dr. Alzwahereh is certified to perform delicate full flexed total knee replacement surgery and to use the Ilizarove surgery methods. He is also a certified instructor for medical surgical techniques in orthopedics.

The Straighter the Better

The penis is considered as one of the most important organs of men. Statistics show that men are very much affected by the way their penises looks and functions. More often than not, men’s sexuality is defined by their penis. It serves as a tool that satisfies sexual pleasures and desires. In addition, the penis is the one of the most significant organs in promoting procreation. Aside from the size, the shape of the penis is also important for men. A man does anything just to make sure that the shape of his penis will be the shape of his preference. Above all, the shape of the penis can determine the success of a man while having sex.

Normally, the penis of a man is not perfectly straight. Most of the penis shows slight bent and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. There were only rare instances when a man has a penis that has no bents. The curve of the penis can be caused by a lot of factors. The first one, which is genetics, is the most common of them all. Since the genes dictate a man’s physical existence, it is no secret that the shape of a man’s penis will follow that of his ancestors. Same goes to the other aspects like the size and the color. Moreover, an accident can cause the penis to be out of shape. Apparently, the curve might even get worse and permanent. Furthermore, a disease can also called Peyronie’s can cause the penis to curve. This circumstance is very dangerous and needs proper medications before it gets worse.

There are different opinions with regards to the effectivity of a straight penis and a crooked penis while doing sex. Physically, a straight penis does look good and women are more inclined to have sex with someone who has a straight penis. Accordingly, one of the turn offs of women is when they see a penis with a peculiar shape. Women become less enthusiastic when engaging to sex and some even decline the idea. It is very hard to imagine how an odd shaped penis will totally penetrate in a very small vaginal hole. This is one of the reasons why having an extremely curved penis is always a disadvantage. The thing about it is that the sexual intercourse will be very painful both for the man and woman. Indeed, sex is not enjoyable when the pain is felt in the entire session.

The only advantage that a crooked penis has is the sensation that it brings once it has entered the vagina. Accordingly, there is a different feeling and something that provides great satisfaction. Though it is still curable, a curved penis can give a man a lot of trouble. Others say the exercise will work and some even suggested unconventional ways of straightening the penis. All situations point that a straight penis is often preferred than a curved penis. It helps in attracting women and makes every sexual encounters effortless with all satisfaction provided.

The Effects of Coffee and Meat In Sexual Activity

Our relationship with our partner is one of our priorities especially in marriage. In maintaining a good relationship, there are, however, many things, which we should consider. One of the vital factors that contribute to the stability and deepening of a relationship is sex.

Sex is essential in a relationship. It’s not only enough to be responsible in terms of love and commitment but we should also seek satisfy them in terms of our sexual relationship. That’s why there are a lot of issues raised regarding sexual capacity and performance such as foreplay, penis size, libido, orgasm etc. Apparently, many times, a lot of relationships and marriages fail because of lack of satisfaction and unsolved problems in lovemaking.

The role of sex in a relationship is not solely confined to physical pleasure. The performance especially of a man in sex also is a manifestation of his affection for his partner and his concern for the relationship. A man, who desires the happiness of his woman, should strive to be a good partner in bed then.

Today, there are a lot of information and products out in the market, which help men to enhance their sexual relationships like pills that enlarge the penis size or medicines that increase the libido. There are also natural methods for those who are reluctant to take the medicines.

Good and healthy diet plays an important role for both man and woman in the process of lovemaking. This information provided by science is actually just a rediscovery of a tradition that is traced back to history. Even during the ancient civilization, men already discovered and started using aphrodisiacs for arousal and in order heighten their sexual activity. Among these sexually stimulating food and beverage are coffee and meat. While there is weak evidence established regarding their connection of the with penis enlargement, coffee and meat have been known to produce strong stimulating effects for couples in sex.

Both the coffee and the meat have components that irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive progress. The mucous membrane of the digestive tract is similar to that of the genital organ. If coffee and meat then irritate the digestive tract, they likewise cause the same effect to the genital organs of people. This chemical process inside the body is what leads to the increase of sexual excitement. No wonder why there are couples who pay attention to the details of food intake before sex since they seek to achieve a good sex through aphrodisiacs. After all, there is no good sex without a strong sexual excitement between the couple during the entire lovemaking.

Although, it has been stated that coffee and meat are effective sexual stimulants, one must learn to control the use of these. High diet in caffeine and protein may lead to several health disorders and diseases. Moreover, in sex, too much intake of these may result to over stimulation of the genital organs and uncontrolled excitement thus leading to early orgasm in the sexual activity. In this case, the couple will have already reached orgasm even before they start to enjoy their love making session. Moderate use of these aphrodisiacs must be observed then. As they say, too much of the same thing is unhealthy.