Penis Enlargement and Male Enhancement

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Curing Peyronie’s disease

For those of you who don’t know, Peyronie’s disease is a condition bearing the name of Francois de la Peyronie, a famous doctor in his time surgeon to King Louis XIV of France. He was the first man to describe this rare condition in 1743, when not much was known about the inner workings of the penis. And while the cause of this disease is not clear, there is enough info on its development for us to provide a simple description here.

“Tunica Albuginea” is the tougher layer of connective tissue that surrounds the soft Corpora Cavernosa. For reasons unknown to science at this moment, scar tissue begins to form in the “Tunica Albuginea”. This tissue prevents the normal expansion of the penis during erections and, in time, forms a permanent bend in the penis to one side or the other.

The disease is somewhat painful at first, but the pain eventually goes away on its own. There is no need to resort to painkillers or to fear falling into the trap of long-term abuse of such pills. The only effect of this disease is the curvature, which is visible when the penis is erect, and possibly a shortening of the penis in the flaccid state. Most men suffering from it are able to have sex with their partners and experience no pain during intercourse. Nevertheless, as the angle of the curvature draws close to 90 degrees, intercourse becomes more and more of a problem.

The disease can affect men of all races and ages, but it is most commonly seen in Caucasian males ages 40 and up. It is not contagious and is in no way related to cancer or other serious conditions. There is no known universal cure and some of the men which science was able to help have experienced relapses. The list of treatments developed to fight Peyronie’s disease is quite large, but not one of them was proved to be the best solution to the problem.

One of the most recommended treatments is surgery. Severe cases are always solved through the insertion of implants via surgical intervention. A couple of years ago, surgery was the method of choice for treating Peyronie’s disease because there were no proven alternatives. Penile implants are plastic cylinders, either solid or inflatable, which are placed inside the Corpora Cavernosa. The surgeon can either place the implants inside the penis and let them do the work of straightening out the organ, or he can try to bend the penis against the plaque in order to increase the implant’s chance of successfully correcting the curvature.

Yet another widespread way of attempting to treat Peyronie’s disease is the use of tissue grafts. This procedure entails the complete surgical removal of the lump of plaque that develops on the penis and straightening the penis in order to bring it back to the original shape. Doctors tend to advise patients to accept this approach in cases featuring large plaques or severely bent penises.

However, the most widely used method for straightening congenital curvature of the penis is the Nesbit Procedure. During this procedure the penis is filled with a sterile physiologic salt solution in order to cause an artificial erection. The surgeon gathers with a clamp the outer side of the bend, which forces the Tunica Albuginea to straighten the penis.

Other promising treatments focus on the use of Collagenase injections to break down the plaque and remove it or Verapamil injections to prevent new plaque from forming. One of the most popular treatments uses Vitamin E to help the skin heal and reduce the plaque. Since the skin healing properties of Vitamin E have been known for quite some time, the use of this vitamin to contain Peyronie’s has been a popular solution since the 1940s. Another widespread treatment is Potaba, a short form of the proper technical name: Potassium aminobenzoate. Recent studies have shown that Potaba can help men suffering from Peyronie’s disease to a certain extent, but it’s unclear how effective this substance is.

And one of the best ways of dealing with Peyronie’s disease is to use a Male Extra system to straighten the penis. Despite the controversy surrounding such novel approaches as Male Extra systems, several clinical studies have already been conducted in order to assess the effectiveness of this technique. The Male Extra system, which is part of the Male Extra penis enlargement program, works by forcing the tissue that makes up the penis to expand instead of retracting and increasing the curve. By using the Male Extra system on a regular basis, the men who took part in clinical studies have been able to reduce their curvatures and maintain or increase the size of their penises.

The Male Extra system was classified as a Medical system Type 1 by the health authorities of the European Union and bears the CE sing, while the manufacturing process is fully compliant with the ISO13485:2003 and ISO90001:2000 quality management standards. Included in the Male Extra package is a free membership to Male Extra, the penis exercises program featuring a series of exercises designed to decrease the curvature caused by Peyronie’s disease. Members of this program can learn to increase the length and girth of their penises, correct curvatures, prevent premature ejaculation and maintain sexual fitness throughout the years.

Tips for keeping libido high

The list of factors responsible for drops in the libido is headed by the modern sedentary lifestyle, which decreases stamina and puts a strain on muscles and the circulatory progress. Individuals become unfit for physical effort and sex session tend to grow shorter and shorter as the partners move into the middle age. Middle age also means a higher risk of diseases and also of sexual dysfunctions, which serve to increase the reluctance to engage in sex. Male sexual dysfunctions are among the biggest threats to a satisfying sex life since a significant number of men suffer from them.

However, penis enlargement can be used to improve the situation. Focusing on penis enlargement can give a new direction and foundation to any couple’s sex life. It can foster complicity and unity between the two partners and can mark a return to playfulness. A bigger penis means more confidence for the male and, consequently, an increase in libido as the desire to try out the bigger penis increases. This has been known to work wonders for older couples who still feel the spark of their youth.

From the psychological point of view, the bonus to confidence give by penis enlargement is priceless. Sex is in the head for men and women alike. Stimulation must pass first through the brain and the intensity of male response is somewhat a function of confidence in their ability to handle the situation. Therefore, penis enlargement is very much recommended to middle aged couples that are still keen to feel the thrills of youth.

Depression is also bad for sex. The libido drops through the floor during depressions, since it is closely tied to the will to live and reproduce. A depressed person is not particularly keen to live and has low personal energy. Things that were once interesting and enjoyable seem bland and inconsequential. Depression colors everything in shades of gray and sucks the joy out of life.

This also goes for sex, which cannot look in any way exciting to a depressed individual. What’s even worse is the fact that medication recommended for depression is interfering with sex at the physical level. Medication can lead to a significant drop in the sex drive, or to erectile dysfunction. And even if erection is achieved, men taking anti-depressants still run the risk of reaching orgasm very late, or not at all.

The best way of keeping your libido high is to keep your will to live high. Get plenty of exercise on a regular basis in order to maintain a high level of testosterone in your body because this hormone is very important to your being able to enjoy life. You should eat foods that are rich in zinc, such as oysters, beans, nuts, whole grains and meat in order to promote the production of sperm. Another thing that you should remember is to do all sorts of things that you enjoy. It’s important for you to be able to have fun and stay active if you are to preserve your interest in sex and keep your libido high.

Causes and solutions to premature ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation, also known to health care experts as “ejaculatio praecox”, is probably the single most common sexual dysfunction in men. Statistics show that as much as 30 percent of men complain of premature ejaculation in most sexual encounters. Sex therapists define premature ejaculation as a lack of ejaculatory control, which interferes with sexual or emotional well being in one or both partners. While not particularly informative for the layperson, this definition shows that premature ejaculation has a strong negative impact on a man’s emotional well being, especially by making him less confident in himself.

Truth be told, most men experience premature ejaculation at least once in their lives. After all, ejaculatory control is not something men are born with; they have to learn it through practice and repetition. But a consistent occurrence of premature ejaculation is not to be taken lightly, especially in view of its effect of the male confidence and emotional well being. Knowing that a new sex session is likely to result in further humiliation is a devastating feeling for men. This serves to reinforce their low confidence, which reinforces the premature ejaculation and so on in a circle of hopelessness and depression.

Premature ejaculation has both physical and psychological roots. Recent studies have shown that more than 90 percent of men suffering from premature ejaculation had inherited their dysfunction from parents or grandparents with long-term premature ejaculation records. Doctors associate this dysfunction with a faster than normal neurological response in the pelvic muscles and recommend various exercises designed to improve ejaculatory control. On the psychological side, premature ejaculation can be caused by depression, stress, unrealistic expectations, or the reinforced lack of confidence.

It’s perfectly clear that inexperience is one of the biggest causes of premature ejaculation, followed by a weak PC muscle and a faster than normal neurological response in the pelvic muscles. Well, inexperience can only be cured with more sex, which is something we heartily recommend to everybody, while the muscles located in the pelvic area can be trained as any other muscle in the body to stop acting on their own. The PC muscle stands for the pubococcygeus muscle. This muscle acts as floor to the entire pelvic area of the body, supporting from underneath the weight of organs. It also controls orgasm and prolonged exercising helps men achieve orgasm without ejaculating.

Still, premature ejaculation can be prevented or treated by working out the PC muscle and bringing it under your control. When you have full control of this muscle, premature ejaculation is no longer a problem for you. Penis exercises, like Kegels or those featured in the Penis Health database, focus on ejaculation control at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels for people who are willing to rid themselves of this unfortunate condition once and for all. The trick is to have confidence in yourself and in your strength to make premature ejaculation a thing of the past.

How does an erection work

Erection is one of the most impressive functions of the human body that we can observe on a regular basis and without the aid of systems. While the process itself may look pretty simple and straightforward, it is anything but that. Whether we’re talking about the penis or the clitoris, the process is largely the same and just as complex since it is guided by either the central nervous progress or by the autonomic nervous progress, depending upon the type of stimulation encountered.

The most common type of stimulation for men is based on visual, auditory, olfactory, imagined, or tactile stimuli that tell the cerebral cortex to begin the erection process. The erectile centers located in the lumbar and sacral regions of the spinal cord then tell the nerves in the pubic area to start releasing nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a chemical compound widely used by all mammals as a signaling molecule in order to transmit information from one cell to another.

When the nitric oxide is released, the arteries that supply the penis with blood dilate and allow a bigger than usual quantity of blood to enter the penis. The blood goes into the Corpora Cavernosa, the two sponge-like tissues that are designed to expand in size and hold as much blood as possible. The Corpus Spongiosum, the tubular structure located just below the Corpora Cavernosa through which urine and semen pass, also becomes slightly engorged with blood, but not nearly as much as the Corpora Cavernosa.

As soon as enough blood has entered the penis, the arteries contract in order to return to the normal flow of blood, thus preventing the blood inside the penis from leaving the area. The same progress is used in the case of mechanical stimulation of the penis and in the absence of external stimuli. The entire process is handled by the autonomic nervous progress (ANS) with minimal input from the central nervous progress. When the stimulation ends, the ANS makes the arteries constrict and forces blood out of the penis.

Although the cerebral cortex is not involved in every type of stimulation that causes erection, it, nevertheless, can put an end to any erection if it judges that the situation requires such action. This is why men and women have to avoid things that can kill the mood and turn them off.

Your body is healthy, make your penis healthy!

Keeping the body healthy and fit is always on anybody’s list of top priority actions. From avoiding food coming from sources that we do not trust, to choosing healthier food once in a while and on to jogging in the park, we are all interested in maintaining our overall health status. The health fad that’s gripped people everywhere is not necessarily a bad thing although some people do take it too far. Nevertheless, health care experts are quite content with the fact that men and women alike are more interested in keeping track of their health and staying away from hazards.

Still, there is one thing that men should ponder: your overall health may be OK, but is your penis healthy and ready for action on a moment’s notice? Sex isn’t always something two people plan in advance and can really happen anywhere on whim so it pays to keep your penis fit and healthy. There are ways to take care of your penis and make sure that it stays in shape. And the first thing that you should keep in mind is that a healthy and fit body helps keep the blood flowing correctly and unhindered through the veins and arteries.

Exercising on a regular basis and eating healthy food will increase your ability to sustain prolonged physical effort and we all know that sex is effort. Junk food brings in a lot of bad cholesterol that clogs your arteries and also a huge amount of excess calories that make you fat. Smoking, frequently drinking large quantities of alcohol, taking recreational drugs and lack of exercising will sap your stamina and also slow down the flow of blood. The ability to achieve and sustain erections depends directly on the proper functioning of the cardiovascular progress. It’s a good idea to avoid junk food and refrain from the excess consumption of alcohol, drugs or tobacco.

An excellent way of ensuring the fitness of your penis is to exercise it, just like you would exercise your muscles. Since the penis is not a muscle and cannot be exercised along with other parts of the body, it follows that you must resort to special exercises, developed especially for it. Penis exercises can be used for maintaining fitness, preventing or controlling premature ejaculation and increasing the length and girth of the penis. To this end we always recommend the Male Extra™ program of exercises, which is known to hundreds of happy guys as a thorough approach and an effective solution.

Despite the fact that it’s a rather uncommon concept, penis enlargement is easy to understand and even easier to put into practice. You can do it in the privacy of your own bathroom or bedroom and nobody needs to know about it. The exercises may take up to 30 minutes and you can perform them every other day or however you see fit. The exercise targeting premature ejaculation can be performed absolutely anywhere as long as you’re sitting down and nobody can notice what you’re doing. As you can see, it can be very easy to keep your penis just as healthy as your body.

Penis Hygiene

Keeping and staying yourself clean is a common basis in the condition of our today’s society. Being careless about your personal hygiene is like stepping beyond the bounds of decency. Nevertheless, we can always use the hints and tips of people who are more experienced or those who had gone through unpleasant situations and are qualified to provide advice. Intimate hygiene is extremely important because it ties in with sex and romance, the two of the most important things in the life of any person. So here’s what every man needs to know about mandatory penis hygiene.

The place to start is the tip of the penis. The foreskin covers the glans, but there is plenty of space for unpleasant things to accumulate between flesh and skin. If you do not wash correctly, you may actually find a white substance gathers, which goes by the name of smegma. Smegma is a combination of dead cells, skin oils and moisture; and bacteria often thrive in this dark, moist and closed space. So, pull the foreskin back as far as it would go and start washing this area with lukewarm water. Be careful to wash both the glans and the inside of the foreskin, the part that is not normally exposed.

Make sure you are super clean down there because there probably is no bigger turn-off for a woman than a man who takes off his shorts revealing an unclean penis. This is generally considered a huge faux pas. Another word of caution, you can’t expect oral sex if you don’t take good care of yourself.

Men who are circumcised have to be just as careful as the non-circumcised guys. The lack of a foreskin means that bacteria and dead cells do not accumulate there, but it also means that the glans is no longer protected from contact with dust, sweat and all sorts of substances and fabrics that would otherwise be kept away from the penis. Some doctors also think that circumcised penises are more exposed to bacteria causing infections of the urinary tract, that is why keeping yourself clean at all times is of paramount importance.

The second area that you should focus on is the base of the penis. This is where sweat and hair combine to produce a strong smell, just as in your armpit. The area needs frequent washing in order to keep sweat from gathering there, especially since it’s covered by underwear for most of the day. Shaving or clipping down the hair is a very good idea, particularly in summer. Washing is far easier without a lot of hair getting in the way. Between the glans and the base of the penis you might also want to give the shaft a thorough scrubbing for good measure.

And lastly, the third area of focus: the testicles. Dangling between your legs, the testicles are even more prone to catching an unpleasant smell as sweat can accumulate in the folds of skin or in the space between the penis and the testicles. Wash each of them carefully and make sure the perineum (the small patch of skin between the base of the testicles and the anus) is also clean and free of smell.

Kegel Exercises

Are you from erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation?

These are the two most common problems men encounter. It’s really disappointing for a man not to perform well in bed with a woman. It can really affect his self-confidence and self-esteem that he’ll think of ways for him not to happen it again.

Try Kegel exercise.

What is Kegel Exercise?

Kegel exercise (named after Dr. Arnold Kegel) is an exercise of the PC (pubococcygeus) muscle developed by the Taoist movement in China quite some time ago. One of the features of their spiritual and physical life was to use a lot of exercises which were meant to strengthen various muscles in order to:
• promote health
• spiritual development
• longevity
• better sex

Kegels refer to exercises that restore and increase the tone of the pubococcygeus muscle by regular clenching and unclenching.

A strong PC muscle helps men to:
• maintains control of erections and ejaculations
• increases the flow of blood to the penis
• keeps the prostate in check in old age
• prevents incontinence

The PC muscle can be identified by anyone by stopping the flow of urine when pissing. Anybody who has ever tried to keep from urinating knows exactly what muscles to tense in order to close the urethra and keep the bladder from spilling its contents.

Men can usually identify the PC muscle by tensing the muscles in their pelvic floor until they find the one that makes their penis jump. This is best done with an erect penis, because the movement of the penis is easier to observe. Basically, the muscle is located between the scrotum and the anus and it’s the part of the pelvic floor that supports the internal organs. It plays a crucial role in the sex organs of both men and women.

The main benefit men get out of exercising their PC muscle is the vastly increased control over ejaculation. A well-toned PC muscle can stop the flow of urine, but it can also stop the flow of semen. Therefore, exercises help men gain control over the ejaculation, especially to those who suffer from premature ejaculation. The exercises, however, are not a quick fix. It takes a couple of months to see the results, but you can rest assured that you’re doing it for your own good.

Is SG Designed To Stretch the Ligaments as Well as the Tunica

What are the exact effects of Male Extra™ on the penis?
This is the common question of men using the said Male Extra system. The men as users have the right to know how both flaccid and erect gains can be achieved in wearing Male Extra™ and performing the Male Extra™ exercises. The effects of the Male Extra system and enlargement exercises do overlap in certain occasions. They are not completely interchangeable and should not be treated as such.

The main purpose of the Male Extra system is to stretch all the tissues that make up the penis. As the plastic ring and steel rods stretch the penis, the Tunica Albuginea, Corpora Cavernosa and Corpus Spongiosum are all forced to adjust to the new length and to stretch accordingly. The arteries and veins have to grow in size in order to cope with the increased flow of blood that helps the bigger and better erections. Rock hard erections and increased sensitivity of the penis are among the best effects of using Male Extra™ correctly.

The Male Extra™ system also works upon the ligaments that keep the penis attached to the body. Since the larger plastic ring rests on the pubic area and the stretched penis is supposed to be in its flaccid state, it follows that the ligaments are stretched to a certain extent. But this is not the main area of focus for the Male Extra system. As stated above, its main purpose is to stretch the tissues and, slowly, but surely, to increase the length and girth of the penis up to the size that the user is looking for. The enlargement exercises really help ligaments in this matter.

Unlike the Male Extra system, exercises can be used to attain certain targeted responses from the penis. Length exercises are different from girth exercises. Stretching the ligaments is a subcategory of the length exercises which usually focuses on pure stretching of the penis in order to force the ligaments to adjust to the new situation and expand. Expanded ligaments will allow the penis to hang longer than usual, while still maintaining their usual function. The Male Extra™ program is designed to take particular care of every aspect of penis enlargement, while the Male Extra™ system focuses rather on raw stretching power.

Male Extra™ package is a combination of a Male Extra system and exercises that is really useful in helping the user achieve his ultimate goal: extra inches in both length and girth. The user should use the package because it is designed to work together to provide big gains in the shortest period of time.

Wearing Male Extra™ at Night

Men are too busy with their daily tasks during the day they couldn’t find time to be alone. It’s not easy for you to have time, enjoy your life and do something for yourself. The same with wearing wearing Male Extra™ and penis enlargements in general, because you have to have free time and privacy to use them especially to those who want to wear their Male Extra system as long as possible.

Men wants extra inches added to their penis as soon as possible that they put themselves at risk. It’s not favorable to put yourself to risk just because you want to maximize you gains in a short period of time. It will just lead you to injuries that can prevent you from wearing Male Extra™ system for a while, loss your time and definitely loss your gains.

Many men may have thought that is advisable to wear Male Extra™ at night because they can wear it for a long time and others will not notice it underneath their clothes. No! This is definitely a good idea because it is not highly recommended to wear Male Extra™ system for more than two hours. And, don’t ever attempt wearing it for eight hours because it is certainly not recommended too.

Male Extra™ system at night can get tangled in the sheets or blankets while you’re sleeping. Wearing Male Extra™ while sleeping can get you to a serious injury because it can pull your ligaments or tear your tissue. It’s better to avoid that to happen for you not to be embarrassed in your doctor as you explain how you came about that injury.

Lastly, the system might slip all the way off or slip into during the night. No one wants to waste eight hours – and wearing the system at night can mean you have anything to show for the effort. If you really want to see the best results, It is better to use the system during the day under your careful supervision.

Male Extra™ can add inches to both your penis length and girth size.

Starting PE at a Young Age Is Dangerous

Nowadays, teenagers are very particular with their appearance and personal skills. They have this attitude of wanting to belong and be accepted with the group they’re into. They are being pressured to some standards required by the people around them. No one wants not to be accepted by others. That’s why they strive to do anything to change themselves into someone suitable to their peers. They prefer to be called “cool” rather than “losers”. Porn movies have also added another pressure to modern teens; they need to have big penises to go along those porn stars.

However, teenagers should never engage to penis enlargement because until their age of 18 and even beyond that, the body is still undergoing its normal growth. Interfering with the normal body changes is totally not recommended because it affects the hormonal balance of the body. Pubescent development is not something a teenager should interfere with just because he thinks he has a smaller than average penis. If you’re really interested in penis enlargement, don’t hurry. Wait until you get the right age and see for yourself if it will make a difference in your life.

Most men have an average size of penis still there are a surprisingly large number of young men who think that their size is not enough and should be enhanced. The real problem is the fact that the start of puberty comes at a different age for every teenager. Some boys start developing at the age of 11, while others start at an older age. It’s normal for to think that he has a small penis at the age of 16 but that doesn’t allow any interference.

Boys under 18 should never engage to penis enlargement no matter how strong the temptation. Even after the age of 18, young men should consider their personal situation carefully before starting on a program. Young men fail to ask their girlfriends whether if they’re pleased with their size. It can be possible that your girlfriend thinks you are just big enough for her or maybe she thinks that you only need some extra girth. You’ll never know unless you ask her. Of course, nobody likes a really small penis. If your size is average and you’re under 18, wait and let the penis develop fully.

And, finally, if you are 18 and have already made up your mind to join a penis enlargement program, and then at least start either with enlargement exercises or an extender. Don’t attempt to use a pump to prevent injuring yourself. You can use weights as a last resort. Pills are risky so you can never be sure to its effect. Don’t risk your health, be smart. Select best penis enlargement exercises or a good extender available.