Penis Enlargement and Male Enhancement

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Month: March, 2009

How the Male Extra works

Male Extra is a penis enlargement program which was designed to cover every angle of this issue with a combination of a stretching system and exercises. Customers get the excellent penis Male Extra system from Andromedical and access to the Penis Health database of exercises.

The main principle behind the Male Extra system is that the human body is designed to adapt to outside pressure. That is why people lift weight in order to build bigger muscles or why the lungs and hearts of athletes can take much more effort than yours or mine. This principle was expanded to the penis, as it was quite reasonably inferred that the penis ought to respond to traction just like any other muscle.

The Male Extra system is accompanied by bonus access to the Penis Health website. The site lets users browse a comprehensive database of penis enlargement exercises. The exercises take only a couple of minutes per day and can help men increase both the length and girth of their penises.

This combination of a Male Extra system with a database of exercises is meant to maximize the gains and to bring tangible results as soon as possible. We know that our customers are impatient and wish to see a positive confirmation of their efforts as soon as possible.

With the power of these two components combined, the Male Extra is the undisputed leader of the penis enlargement market.

Common questions with the SG system

The Male Extra program has taken the penis enlargement market by storm with a new level of quality and customer service. The success of this program has caught the eye of hundreds of new customers who want more information about this amazing opportunity.

The most important thing that we want to advertise right from the start is that the Male Extra program has no side effects. The system has passed standardized testing and has been worn by thousands of customers who have never experienced any side effects.

The exercises and system are part of a program that must be followed by customers. However, since every man is different, the customers are encouraged to use the recommended program as a basis for drawing up their own program based not only on their daily schedules, but also on their responses to the two components of the Male Extra program.

By far the best news for prospective customers is the fact that gains in penis length and girth do not recede over time. This means that you can stop doing the exercises and using the system once you’ve reached the desired size and the gains will stay with you throughout your life. Also, the system proved successful for straightening out curved penises. No more embarrassing moments for men whose penises are curved with the help of the Male Extra system.

The program is backed by our amazing money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the results, you have a full 6 months at your disposal to return our products to us for a full discount. This is the best money back guarantee in the whole industry.

Penis Enlargement – the growing community

Moving from obscurity and myths into the lights shining on the outskirts of mainstream living, penis enlargement is the latest non-technological trend that comes to join modern life. In a world where trends come and go in a flash, penis enlargement has spent quite some time on the sidelines gathering a crowd of dedicated followers and aficionados. In time, knowledgeable individuals have turned into gurus who are pleased to help newcomers find their way around the many choices and paths of the penis enlargement world. Although male enhancement is not mainstream yet, this budding market is hot.

The penis enlargement market has also exploded into a wide range of products and services. No longer limited to weights and pumps, men can now choose between penis enlargement creams, pills, patches, pumps, Male Extra systems, exercises, weights and surgery. Anyone who has enough money and time on his hands can try to make his dream come true. Frankly, adding a couple of inches to one’s penis has never been easier and a lot of men are taking advantage of this to improve their sex life and self-esteem. This is the biggest benefit of penis enlargement, although it may not be readily apparent.

Many people think that penis enlargement is a way to solve a strictly physical problem, but they’re wrong. All physical problems have a certain impact on the psychological side and a small penis can be the bane of many men. The knowledge of their perceived inadequacy eats them up from the inside and makes them do things in order to prove their self-worth. This is not a good way to live. But thanks to penis enlargement, this problem can be turned into a thing of the past, a memory that one may laugh at now and then. Extra inches on length and girth are a boon to the lover’s pleasure and to the owner’s confidence and self-esteem. Two problems solved with one simple solution is not bad at all.

And just imagine how good sex feels for a man whose penis has just acquired one or two inches in length and half and inch in girth. Better still, imagine what a pleasant surprise his lover is in for. It’s hotter than getting a new dress or hat and the old vibrator can be locked in a drawer because hubby is now bigger, better and longer-lasting. The man can be proud of his hard work and final achievement, while the lady can smile that pleased, cat-like smile.

The penis enlargement community is growing apace. One or two men claiming success with strange sounding techniques failed to make an impression on the masses. Dozens of men hanging around on forums and boasting their extra inches are bound to attract attention. After all, it’s impossible that every one of them should be lying or involved in some kind of conspiracy to fool unsuspecting newcomers. Check out the forum at to see what a budding community of penis enlargement practitioners looks like. You’ll notice right away that veterans don’t mind questions and are happy to guide newcomers through the early steps of the long road to extra inches. And every last one of them is delighted to boast his own achievements. Don’t get them started or you’ll never see the end of it.

All in all, the penis enlargement community is a nice place. Get some honest advice early on and make friends. They will help you avoid scams and other bad deals and put you on the best path to a bigger penis. Sharing your problem and working with others is your best option in this situation.

How to tell your partner about PE

Penis enlargement may be a tough choice to make for some men, while others can decide in the blink of an eye if they are ready to give it a try or not. However, informing your significant other of this decision is not that simple. There is always the chance that she may not understand or appreciate your choice. So, is it better to come clean or stay mum on this one?

Some burdens are not meant to be carried alone. Being married or engaged in a long-term relationship shows that you are not a solitary individual, but one who needs and welcomes company. It’s only fair that you should open your heart and share this with your loved one. If you wish, you can use this as a test of your partner’s love, open-mindedness and desire to make you happy. However, you should be very careful when discussing this issue. What you want is to help your loved one pass this test by accepting and respecting your go at penis enlargement.

A successful approach means that you can take pills, wear a Male Extra system or perform penis enlargement exercises without having to wait for your significant other to leave the house. It means you don’t have to come up with more excuses for staying in the bathroom fifteen minutes. It’s the end of all the lying and hiding that hurts the trust and respect which are the foundation of any consensual relationship. On the other hand, discussing penis enlargement might prove unfortunate for some people. If your significant other is too embarrassed or cannot accept this, then you have a big problem on your hands. Some people may not be open-minded enough to understand you are doing this for your own good.

Your best bet is to make a plan beforehand in order to make sure that you have a sensible response to whatever questions might arise. You need to sound convinced about penis enlargement and you should make your partner understand that you’ve thought everything through and concluded that penis enlargement is your best option. A good place to start is the widespread use of body modifications in today’s society. If women can have their breast enhanced and wrinkles erased, why should men abstain from enlarging their own penises?

Make sure your partner understands that you aren’t going to force any choices upon her and that you are going to do your best not to put yourself and her in any awkward situations. This should put her fears to rest and help ease the tension. If your partner cares about your well-being and happiness then it likely that she will put up with penis enlargement. Maybe even help you by giving a second opinion on enlargement equipment or substances used in pills. A different take on things might prove helpful.

Still, informing your partner is not mandatory. The final decision rests with nobody else but you and if you wish to surprise your significant other or think that the whole thing should be kept under wraps, then so be it. I simply recommend that you open your heart to your lover and give her the chance to help you and support you through penis enlargement.

When does big become ‘too big’?

I’ve yet to meet a man who thinks that his penis is big enough. Of course, I know that hypothetically such men exist. I’ve read forum postings from men who say: “Oh, I don’t need extra inches”. Still, I haven’t actually met a member of this rare breed. All the men I know want to increase their penises, even though they are unlikely to openly admit their dream or discuss the issue. Despite recent scientific advances which have made penis enlargement far easier than before, men are still reluctant to discuss penis size. Unless they can back their bragging up with a truly massive member. In that case, bragging becomes habitual and very annoying.

We’re living in the age of big things. Big planes, big buildings, big trucks. Big penises. Everybody can join the trend and pick one of the many methods to enlarge his penis. This is a pretty normal thing to do for a man with a small penis. What I really don’t understand is when men sporting six or even seven-inch penises are interested in penis enlargement. Nothing and no one has the right to prevent a man from enlarging his penis, but if he’s already big enough why on earth would he want to be even bigger. In theory, the only limit on penis size is the body’s capacity to keep lengthening the tissues in question. In practice, however, men should take a minute to think that many, if not most, women cannot easily accommodate a penis longer than 8 inches.

Even 8 inches is a bit big for a lot of women, but a penis this size can still be used with ease. Above 8 inches in length, the penis turns into some sort of fashion or power statement. There’s no practical use for anything above 8 inches, unless the owner chances himself upon a really tall lady who happens to have a longer than usual vagina. While the vagina can stretch to accommodate most penis sizes, an 8-inch penis can be a genuine threat to the uterus. Trust me, the repeated bashing of the cervix by the penis head is not on any woman’s “Things I’d like to experience” list. Moreover, vaginal orgasm is not achieved by deep penetration of the vagina. The most sensitive part of the vagina is a 4-inch stretch of tissue located at the vagina’s entrance.

So, as you can see, it’s a good idea to know when enough is enough. Trying to go the extra mile and get that 10-inch penis is a feat of willpower, but there’s no practical purpose to it. There’s little pleasure in being hurt by the penetrating penis, so many women will refuse to have sex with a man who’s too well endowed, while others will insist on being very careful. Frankly, the last thing on my mind when I’m all undressed and ready to go is to be careful.

Psychological benefits of a bigger penis

The face of a man is usually an open book to most women. They can read practically anything in our faces. I’ve known ladies who could tell if the size of my penis, bank account and sex life by taking only one look at me. Of course, the look was followed by the lady’s departure in the opposite direction to where I was standing. Failure always leaves a mark on your face, just like success does. And women can read those marks awfully well. It’s even worse when you have a small penis and failure tends to follow failure in a pattern that grows bigger every day.

The first thing women notice about a man is his confidence level. A stoop-shouldered man with a downcast look has very little chance of actually getting a date from a decently-looking lady. On the other hand, a broad-chested guy with a confident look in his eyes and a swagger in his step is sure to catch the eye of most women. He may not get every single pretty babe, but he’ll sure as hell be noticed by each and every one. And trust me, nothing gives a man more confidence than a big penis. A man who knows that the schlong dangling in his pants is big enough to satisfy any woman walks around with an “I don’t have a care in the world” kind of aura. And women notice that

You can bet your life that women notice that. Women don’t care a lot what a man says, since most men have little to say that interests a woman. But they pay strict attention to the subtle signs in a man’s attitude. Women think: “If he looks confident, then there must be something about him that makes him so confident. This could be interesting”. And a big penis is your ticket to that show of confidence that is not an act or a sham, but the real thing. Are you suffering from low-confidence and anxiety? Are you afraid that women may look down on you? Then penis enlargement is the solution for you. The minute you stop worrying, it’s their turn to be anxious.

A big penis has a lot of benefits and no downsize that I can think of. Well, maybe if you decide to increase your penis size to 9 or 10 inches; that would be a problem. But if you stick to a nice 8 inches, then you’ll reap all the juicy benefits. Increased confidence, increased stamina in bed, increased control of your ejaculation, longer sex sessions and more pleasure for you and the lady, all these can be yours. Anxiety, depression and low self-esteem have no chance against a big penis and rock-hard erections that last much longer than before. Women will be impressed by the hefty dick that just keeps going and men will eye the bulge in your pants with envy. Now that’s what I call turning the tables!

General advice on penis enlargement

And men have struggled to find a solution for this, just like in the case of any other problem. A small penis size does not have to be a problem for long because there is something men can do to change the situation. Penis enlargement is not exactly a new thing. In one form or another, it has been around for centuries wherever men felt the need to enlarge their penises. Today, thousands of men resort to penis enlargement products or services, especially since modern science has done a good job proving and disproving some of the techniques, as well as allowing for a more progressatic approach.

However, any man just starting out wants to know a few things. Although the theory is pretty simple, one can’t just going into the bathroom to exercise or strap a Male Extra system on in the middle of the living room. There are a hundred questions any newbie would like to ask the veterans about how penis enlargement works, what accessories are needed and how long should enlargement sessions be. These are all details, but very important details. These are little problems almost everybody faces on day one of the penis enlargement program.

The first advice any veteran will give to a new comer is to have patience. Of course, nobody likes to be patient and to be told that results won’t show for a couple of weeks. It’s hard to stay motivated when days go by and you have nothing to show for your efforts. Still, persistence pays off and those who have the strength to carry on with the program will find that results do come in time. Keep in mind that tissue needs time to grow and that many people experience growth spurts and plateaus and that you just need to be patient.

Plateaus happen every now and then to almost every man who’s engaged in penis enlargement. Those who are trying to enhance their penis through exercises should simply change their routines. If an exercise doesn’t seem to bring gains anymore, replace it with another exercise. There is no set program; every user is free to come up with his own routine and to experiment with exercises until he finds what’s best for himself.

Some beginners are impatient and think that having more than one penis enlargement session per day would help gains happen faster. However, more than one penis enlargement session per day will simply exhaust the tissues without rushing things up. In this case, it’s the intensity and regularity that counts because doing a routine more than once per day is not as good as doing it once, but very intense. The tissues need time to recover and grow in size, just like muscles need time after a gym session. Overtraining is never recommended.

This category of questions also includes the dilemma of whether longer stretching is better than more repetitions. Frankly, this is mostly a question of whatever works for individuals and not a general rule that can be applied to everyone. Experiment with longer stretching and more reps and see what’s best for you. If more reps do the trick, then go for more reps.

Another problem faced by beginners and old timers alike is the fact that pubic hair gets in the way of both exercises and the use of Male Extra systems. There’s always the fear of inadvertently pulling hair and some men feel they can’t get a good grip on the base of the shaft because of the hair. Well, penis enlargement requires certain sacrifices from users and my advice is to clip the hair short or to shave it altogether. No sense in struggling through a session because of the hair.

And it’s not only hair that gets in the way. The penis is not a precision tool that can be set to achieve partial erections on demand, which is why men sometimes find themselves fully erect and unable to perform exercises that require only a partial erection. The only way of dealing with this is to focus on something else (read a magazine that does not contain porn or a book, watch TV, think about financial problems) and to wait for the erection to subside.

A big mistake that many inexperienced users make is to measure their penises too often. Frequent measuring is unlikely to show big gains and can undermine the motivation of a man engaged in penis enlargement. Since results do come in time, men should not measure their penis more than once every four or five weeks. This may seem to be a long time to wait for results, but less than four weeks is not enough time for tissues to increase in size in a visible manner.

One of the controversial issues that had the penis enlargement community arguing is the issue of ejaculation after workout sessions. Some penis enlargement aficionados have argued that testosterone levels drop sharply after ejaculation, which may hurt gains, while others have said that ejaculation is the hallmark of a healthy sex life, which is, after all, the purpose of penis enlargement. At present, there is no certain way of telling whether ejaculation has a big impact on gains or not.

This issue goes hand in hand with the question of having sex immediately after a workout. It is generally advisable to let at least an hour pass between the end of your workout and sex in order to allow the penis tissues to heal and rebuild before flooding them with blood again. Also, enlargement sessions exhaust the penis and it’s not a good idea to subject it to a second round of physically intensive activity in such a short period of time.

One question that crops up every now and then in the minds of curious newbies is whether drinking water increases penis size or not. The answer is: no, not exactly. If drinking water alone could increase the size of limbs, then one could also gain inches in height or girth at the end of a single day. Hydration helps clean the body as toxins and other substances that cannot be used are dumped into the kidneys and sent out through urine. A body free of toxins is a healthier body and is able to heal itself faster, but that’s about as far as it goes. Simply drinking water cannot increase your penis size.

PC flexes are a popular exercise among the penis enlargement crowd and a very effective one, too. Newbies often wonder if flexes should be performed fast and furious or slow and cool. However, there is no big difference between the two approaches. Going slow will help build resistance to prolonged effort, while the fast approach will help the muscle get used to intense exertion. It all depends on what you’re looking for: short term intensity or stamina.

An interesting way of helping the flow of blood and the healing process in tissues is to use a system known as the Ring of Power. This ring causes a flow of electricity around the base of the penis and testicles in order to stimulate cellular activity, testosterone production and blood flow. If you’re planning to get one, keep in mind that such systems do not work in the same manner for everyone. Also keep in mind that your penis skin may not like the contact with zinc or copper. Some users have reported unpleasant rashes.

Prudence is actually a good rule of the thumb for every product that does not come with the endorsement of a professional doctor. Don’t rush in to try every new idea out there because you may regret it. Let others try new products and read what they have to say about them. If the new products sound too good to be true, they may actually be that way. Always be careful when it comes to your health. Stay safe!

The penis enlargement market today

The penis enlargement market has fallen under a new sign: development. From a small and much maligned niche market, penis enlargement is now moving at full speed toward mainstream acceptance. Widespread prosperity and the possibility of living a more successful life with just a little effort have convinced thousands of men to seek solutions to a problem that older generations did not discuss or openly acknowledge. However, the times have changed and the taboos of yesteryear are no longer in force. Men have simply chosen to spend time and money in order to get more pleasure out of their sex lives.

Over the years, the range of penis enlargement products available for sale has exploded. From the old-fashioned and dull pumps and weights and on to the modern Male Extra systems and enlargement pills, various products have been invented in order to respond to various needs. Since not all men are comfortable with penis enlargement pills, enterprising investors have launched male enhancement patches and creams. Pumps have been largely replaced by Male Extra systems, while weights and exercises have their own niche markets. As you can see, there’s something for everybody on the penis enlargement market.

Surgery is still a controversial issue. The high cost of penis enlargement surgery keeps it out of reach of most men for which improving a satisfactory sex life is not worth the effort of raising thousands of dollars. More so when surgery comes bundled with a host of nasty hazards, such as impotence, scarring and loss of feeling in the penis. Another significant issue is the fact that surgical procedures like the injection of fat have to be performed again and again since fat is absorbed back by the body, while injected silicone tends to migrate to other parts of the body. These factors combined have convinced men to look for cheaper and safer penis enlargement opportunities.

Men are far more interested today in how they look and how they perform in bed. They want to learn new ways of pleasing their partners and to increase their dating and sex chances. This is one of the reasons men turn to penis enlargement techniques and a very good one. There is no need to talk about feelings of insecurity and anxiety in order to find out why men want larger penises. Suffice to say that men want to look good and that they love to see that special look on their partners’ faces when the pants come off. A well-endowed man commands the respect of women and men alike and this is what every man wants to see: respect.

As the penis enlargement market moves into the mainstream, more and more men will stop being embarrassed about their penis size and will have no problem to openly discuss size and ways of improving it. Penis enlargement is certain to become an accepted topic, mainly because of the large number of men who are satisfied with the results obtained from enlargement products and techniques. Beyond all advertisements and hype, results are the only thing that matter and your best reason to join the growing penis enlargement movement.

Ingredients in VolumePills

The question of better orgasms and harder erections haunts many a man on lazy summer afternoons when the stressing demands of office life melt into a boring routine that invites musings. Sex is always an open-ended experience that can be improved in some way or another. A new position, a new toy or just some sexy lingerie can do wonders for a while. However, many people have no idea that orgasm, the higher goal of sex, can also be improved. VolumePills is a product whose aim is to help men achieve harder erections and longer orgasms through increased semen production for both their pleasure and that of their partners. And all this can be made with the help of natural ingredients.

What separates VolumePills from the competition is the careful selection of quality ingredients and the unique combination of trademarked ingredients and potent herbs known. Using the best ingredients around has given VolumePills an edge that few other such products enjoy. Customers are always interested in getting the best value for their money. They don’t want to buy products that do not work or that may be hazardous for their health. We recognize this need and strive to offer the best possible mix of ingredients and to keep researching new natural solutions to your problems.

The ingredients that make up the excellent VolumePills formula are split into three groups, according to their effects on the human body. VolumePills is using three different attack routes to achieve its results. The first group of ingredients is made of those that act upon the progress as a whole. Ling Zhi is an Asian plant known for its anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant effects. It also increases the sense of vitality and energy. The same can be said of Tian Men Dong, which helps stabilize body weight and promote a healthy sleep. A relaxed man is one who can enjoy sex more. At the same time, Fucus Vesiculosus balances the functions of the thyroid gland and increases energy levels.

The second group of ingredients is made of natural substances that stimulate the production of testosterone in the body in order to increase the amount of sperm available during each sex session. Chief among these ingredients is Zinc Oxide. Zinc is famous for playing a crucial role in the quality and motility of sperm. Among it’s lesser known, but just as important functions, are the metabolizing of testosterone and maintaining fertility and sexual vigor. Another testosterone booster is Dong Chong Xia Cao, an Asian plant whose bark is also used to protect the heart and liver from certain toxins. And last, but by no means least, comes Solidilin, the compound designed to increase sexual quality and motivation.

The third group is composed of the ingredients that help you get rock hard erections by opening the blood vessels and streamlining the flow of blood through the body, and especially in the pubic area. Since erections are simply blood flowing into the penis, you can easily see why blood flow is extremely important to any kind of erection. You can also see that a king size erection requires a better blood flow and a healthy cardiovascular progress. This is why we have used Drilizen and Hong Hua Fen to open the arteries and encourage the blood flow, while at the same time protecting the blood vessels and the heart with 4′, 5, 7- Trihydroxyflavone and San Guo Mu.

As you can see, the cream of traditional Asian medicine and the best components that Western scientists came up with were used to make the best semen enhancement pill on the market. Extensive research has led us to these ingredients, while countless hours of testing have allowed us to identify the right mix for top results. Longer and harder erections will put a big smile on your partner’s face, while increased semen and longer orgasms will certainly make you enjoy sex more than ever. There is no risk involved, neither financial, nor health-wise. As you can see from the list above, all ingredients are perfectly safe.

With the help of this powerful mix of ingredients your sex life may regain all the lost sparks and acquire some new ones in the process. Your partner will love the harder and longer lasting erection, while you will enjoy the powerful orgasms. It’s really a win-win situation that you will simply not want to miss. So order VolumePills today and prepare to walk around with the big smile of a thoroughly satisfied man.

Maintaining Motivation During Penis Enlargement

Penis enlargement always seems like a good idea at first. Even those who don’t believe in the effectiveness of penis enlargement techniques and who dismiss all results as frauds, fakes and scams would certainly not mind to be proved wrong. There are few men on the face of the earth that are completely satisfied with the size of their penises. Still, the hardest thing about penis enlargement is to hang on to that initial feeling that you’re doing something good for yourself.

Motivation is crucial to all human endeavors. It’s what makes the world turn around for humans. Properly motivated men and women can do things that may seem unlikely at first. Every person engaged in any activity that has tedious parts knows that maintaining motivation is the only way to get through and achieve results. Losing focus and allowing demotivation to creep up on you is the surest way to throw away a lot of hard work.

Penis enlargement exercises suffer from the same problem. They are repetitive and can get to be downright boring sometimes. Just like gym, or professional athletic training, or piano lessons, penis enlargement exercises may seem tedious early on. Regardless of what you’re doing, routines are never fun. The trick is to keep your goal in mind and do whatever you feel necessary not to lose focus. The easiest thing to do is to keep thinking about your goal.

Do you want those extra inches? Do you want to see “shock and awe” on the faces of ladies? Then you’d better quit bitching and start doing those reps. If necessary, write these questions on post-it notes and place them in your bathroom, or wherever you’re doing your exercises. The questions will help you focus on the positive results of penis exercises and strengthen your will to achieve them. You can make a workout chart and mark up every performed routine in blue and every missed routine in red. The fewer the red dots, the faster will those gains come.

Remember that it takes some time before the first results are visible. Muscles, tissues, bones and other parts of the body do not grow over night. The penis, too, needs time to respond to your program of exercises. Talk to other people of forums. This will help you understand the penis enlargement process and get first hand accounts of successful enlargement stories. Every forum user will also tell you that a lot of patience is required and that results come only to those who work hard and show a lot of persistence.

Give yourself small rewards for a day, a week or a month of steady exercising. You’ve been a patient man and trained hard and you deserve a reward. Buy yourself something nice, invite a good-looking girl to dinner or do something you’ve been wanting to do for a long time. And remember to refrain from measuring yourself every day. Penis measurements should only be done every 3 or 4 weeks. Otherwise the results will simply be disappointing and your motivation to continue will suffer.

The bottom line is: don’t give up. The road is long, hard and tedious, but worth every minute. Always remember that your goal is to have men look at your bulging crotch with respect and women falling over themselves to see if that penis is really the monster it promises to be. And if you put enough effort and persistence into it, nothing can stop you.

Health benefits of the male orgasm

If sex is the sweet part of a relationship, then orgasm has to be all that delightful chocolate they put in my favorite sweet things. Jokes aside, sex can be very accurately described as the glue that holds together the other aspects of a relationship between two people. And orgasm is the goal of every hot sex session. The pleasure that makes the tight worlds of intimate relationships go round.

What is less known is the fact that orgasms have certain health benefits attached to them. Indeed, it’s more than just the feeling of well-being that we all have after sex. Recent studies have shown that orgasm is just as important for the overall health of men as any other function of their bodies.

In the early 1950s, Doctor Alfred Kinsey started releasing the studies into the sex lives of men and women that made him famous all over the world. One of the Kinsey reports proved that sex reduces stress and that people who have frequent sex and orgasms are less violent and less hostile than those who seldom engage in sex. This means that sex and orgasms have a long-term effect of calming down a person and helping keep the psychological balance.

Moreover, later studies showed that frequent sex and orgasms translate into lower death rates for both men and women (Duke University, 1970s and Caerphilly, 1997) lower risk of heart attacks for women (Psychosomatic Medicine, 1976). American Doctor Ted McIlvenna found that sexually active people draw far more joy from their lives than others and also take fewer sick leaves. Gynecologist Dudley Chapman contended that orgasms help the body to fight infections, a proposition supported by psychologists from the Wilkes University.

More recently, a study conducted in Melbourne, Australia, found that frequent ejaculation between the ages of 20 and 50 helps dramatically decrease the risk of prostate cancer in men. This study ties in with other research suggesting that regular orgasm in males prevents painful urination in old age. According to these studies, frequent male ejaculation is crucial for avoiding many prostate-related problems.

So there you have it, people. It’s plain to see that humans were meant to have sex often and to enjoy it a lot. The body and the mind suffer without the frequent combination of exertion and release brought by sex and orgasms. This is why I’d like to tell you about a pill that makes orgasm all the more powerful. With so many positive sides to it and with practically no disadvantage, there is no reason why you shouldn’t draw even more pleasure out of your orgasm.

VolumePills increases the production of sperm in the testicles and the release of testosterone in order to make sure you feel the need for more sex and you get a bigger kick out of it. More sperm means longer and more powerful orgasm. It also means better moods for your lady, as demonstrated by a study conducted by Gordon Gallup. According to this study, semen reduces depression in women via mood-altering hormones that are absorbed through the vagina.

So there you have it! Frequent sex and orgasms are good for both you and your partner and VolumePills can help you last longer and feel even more pleasure. Nothing to lose and a whole lot of pleasure and good health to gain.