Penis Enlargement and Male Enhancement

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Month: March, 2009

VolumePills and your lifestyle – how to get that maximum effect

So you have decided to buy VolumePills. My sincere congratulations on an excellent purchase that is sure to make the difference for you and your family. You are one step away from rock-hard erections, better orgasms and more ejaculate, a combination that will have your partner coming back for more time and again. if you’re reading this, then you probably want to know more about VolumePills and how this amazing product will affect your personal and social life.

The “dos”

The first thing you should know is that your chosen lifestyle may have certain effects on the attempt to improve your sex life. The amazing VolumePills contains ingredients, such as Arjuna, Taj and Safflower, that promote blood flow and lead to an increase in libido. Erections depend on how much blood reaches the penis and can be trapped within the sponge-like tissues called Corpora Cavernosa. By promoting blood flow, VolumePills decreases the penis response time to sexual stimuli and helps it maximize the blood inflow.

This means that you will have to take care of your circulatory progress. If you are not exercising on a regular basis, then you should make some time to drop by the gym every other day. Don’t start thinking that you have to exhaust yourself on the training machines. It’s nothing like that. What you need most is cardio training, like running on the treadmill. The basic idea is to get your cardiovascular progress in shape and keep it fit for action. Sex is the equivalent of an intensive workout, which is why your heart and blood vessels must be up to the task.

Exercising is not only good for the heart, but will also replenish and boost your energy. As the body gets used to more effort and a higher demand on its resources, it produces more and more energy. In this manner, exercising will make you an energetic person and give you a positive outlook on life. Effort also forces the body to release more endorphins into the bloodstream than usual. Endorphins are the substances that make you feel happy and satisfied after a good orgasm. They are the “feel good” chemicals that your body produces naturally.

After every gym session your body will ask for food in order to replenish the energy lost through effort and also to heal itself. On the other hand, a highly satisfying sex life also requires that certain foods be made part of your daily meals. Fortunately, the list is long enough to leave plenty of room for experimentation and to avoid boredom.

The first substance that must become a regular part of your diet is zinc. This trace mineral is instrumental in your overall well-being and for the proper functioning of your body, not to mention the production of testosterone and sperm. VolumePills contains a significant quantity of zinc among its ingredients, but you should supplement it by eating oysters, beans, nuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and whole grains. The second substance is Vitamin B6. This vitamin is tied to the libido for both men and women and the main features of B6 deficiency are depression, lower libido and insomnia. The best foods for B6 are breakfast cereals, baked potatoes, bananas, chicken, pork, trout, tuna and spinach. Vitamin E is another substance linked to sex and reproduction. Pregnant women have as much as 150 percent more vitamin E than non-pregnant women. The best sources of vitamin E are vegetable oils, nuts, wheat germ and fish. And last on the list is vitamin C. This amazing vitamin is one of the key substances in our bodies and is involved in the production of tissues. Studies have shown that testicles contain 10 to 50 times the quantity of vitamin C found in the blood. Vitamin C is found in fruits and vegetables.

And after all that exercising and eating there’s nothing better than putting your feet up and relaxing. That’s right, the third thing you must do in order to maximize your sex life is to relax. Stress has a huge negative impact on your sex drive and is likely to spoil everything. Actually stress is one of the major gates by which the “don’ts” could enter your life.

The “don’ts”

Now that we’ve spoken at length about the “dos”, let’s meet the “don’ts”. Simply put, the “don’ts” are what used to be called vices; bad habits that bring a host of negative effects in their wake. Curiosity, stress, depression and other such things act as gates by which vices enter and settle into your body and mind.

First is the use of recreational drugs, none of which being particularly beneficial for sex. Sure, it’s nice to be high and have sex at the same time, but there is always a price to pay. Aside from the depression and loss of libido that inevitably follow the high period, most drugs has physical side effects that do not go well with a satisfying sex life. Cocaine, for instance, increases blood pressure and heart rate and prolonged use of this drug leads to heart failure, stroke or cerebral hemorrhage. Cocaine users are seven times more likely to die of a heart attack than non-users. Ecstasy is known to cause a breakdown in skeletal muscles and irregular heartbeat. Heroin locks the user into his own consciousness and sex becomes an unpleasant proposition.

Smoking is not a good idea for sex. Nicotine clogs the arteries and negates the positive effects VolumePills has on the blood flow. Erections become smaller and smaller in time and the sex drive wanes. Smoking also damages the lungs and makes the user less likely to sustain the physical exertion demanded by sex. It interferes with the use of zinc by the body, which is plain bad for your sex life.

Another bad habit is drinking. Most people know that alcohol and sex don’t mix at all and that the result of alcohol binges is known as a “limp noodle”. Although a glass of a quality drink before sex has never hurt anybody, the idea of jumping into bed after downing a six pack is bad. Alcohol also interferes with the production of testosterone.

Eating to excess is yet another bad idea. Stress, depression and other psychological problems can lead to excess eating and obesity. It’s hardly necessary to say that obese people are less likely to find partners for sex. Aside from being unattractive, obese men cannot sustain the effort involved in sex. So keep an eye on your diet. You wouldn’t want to spoil everything by eating food that your body doesn’t even need, nor use.

The bottom line

The bottom line is that VolumePIlls can provide you with all the nutrients you need to have the best possible sex. It has minerals and herbal ingredients that promote blood flow, increase the production of testosterone, raise the energy level and maximize sperm production. It is up to you to supplement these amazing ingredients with a lifestyle that helps the pills to achieve maximum effectiveness so as to make the best of your purchase.

Andropause – Fact or Fiction

One of the biggest controversies gripping today’s medical world is the subject of andropause. Doctors are taking sides with one school of thought or another and furiously debate at conventions and in papers if this male version of the menopause exists, what symptoms should be taken into account during the diagnose process and what treatments are effective. There is no consensus at the moment and the search still goes on for an explanation that fits all the facts.

“The determinants of “aging” and of “life expectancy” extend from genetic and molecular determinants to the increasingly powerful forces of environmental, economical, technological and cultural globalization.” (Professor Bruno Lunenfeld, Bar-Ilan University, Israel)

Since the 1940s, the term andropause has been used to describe a condition that was considered to be similar to the female menopause. The blame for triggering this condition was laid on falling levels of the testosterone hormone from around the age of 45 onwards. Andropause was also considered to be the source of many problems faced by men past their prime, such as weight gain, heart disorders, mood swings, depression and plummeting libido.

“Our results show that testosterone has a key role in the central and peripheral modulation of erectile function [….] (Doctor Andrea Garolla, University of Padua, Italy)”

However, the condition is highly debated, with doctors doubting it even exists. The main hurdle in agreeing upon a definition of andropause is the fact that there is no clear physical symptom that could be used to diagnose the condition. While the end of menstruation is the classic tell-tale for menopause, men display no such universal symptom that could clue doctors to what’s going on. That’s why the medical world is still polarized between the two camps that argue back and forth over this issue.

Still, the medical controversy has not stopped men from looking for a way to stop or reverse the hormonal changes brought by andropause. Nathan Church, Product Manager with Lativio, says:

“Although, I am not a medical doctor, I know that increasingly men have bought our products as a result of a series of problems. These problems include loss of libido and reduced ability of on demand erections. I can only speak from my experience with our customers that their symptoms do point to a condition described as Andropause.”

As we can see from this quote, men are not going to sit idle until experts agree that there is a problem. The natural products market has a wide range of products aimed at bringing back some the youthful feeling to aging men. While taking the problem into one’s hands involves a certain amount of risk, it seems that many men are perfectly ready to take that risk, especially since the prize is the spark of life.

Penis enlargement after 40

As the 30s turn into 40s, a lot of things change in every man’s life. The times of late nights, parties, heavy drinking and smoking are gone and a slower, quieter life takes the place of yesterday’s fun. Such changes are usually depressing and have been known to drive grown men to acting on sudden impulses. Libido starts dropping toward zero and it seems like few of the things that once made life fun and enjoyable are still interesting. Their place is taken by worries, anxiety, depression and the hotly debated, but all too real andropause. However, for those who truly enjoy the pleasures of sex there is no reason to simply give in to the flow of time.

Certain penis enlargement solutions have been designed to overstimulate the male libido and sexual activity in order to compensate for lower natural levels of testosterone or a deficit in the production of this vital hormone. Other solutions focus on promoting the flow of blood to the penis. This serves to compensate the poor normal flow of blood caused either by smoking and drinking or by aging blood vessels. These solutions can easily stop the changes triggered by aging and allow men to maintain a normal and satisfying sex life. At 40 something men are far too young to give up sex. They still have years before them to enjoy the physical side of love.

An untrained penis, that is a penis that is not exercised on a regular basis, will start losing tissue mass after the age of 40. This is why penis enlargement exercises, Male Extra systems, pumps and pills can help keep the penis in shape and delay the shriveling indefinitely. The best part is that men after 40 can easily offset lower stamina with superior experience and a distinguished look. It’s true that many women prefer younger men, but it’s also true that many women (make that many young women) see young men as too insensitive, inexperienced and stupid and are turned on by men at least ten years their seniors. Not to mention that older men also tend to have the money it takes to make a lady feel she is treated right.

So it’s safe to say that men have nothing to lose by keeping their penises in shape. There are lots of women to pick and choose from and enough male enhancement solutions to make sure that your penis will get hard and stay that way long enough to please both you and the lady. There’s no need for any man to feel ashamed for having to resort to penis enlargement solutions. Many of them are perfectly natural and practically mainstream. Besides, no one needs to know about this.

Low testosterone levels or testosterone deficiency

Testosterone is chief among the androgens family of hormones and by far the best known of the entire family. The androgens are responsible with the development of masculine characteristics in all vertebrates by binding to androgen receptors. They are in charge of the activity of male sex organs and the emergence and development of secondary sex characteristics, such as the deep voice, the body and facial hair, the broad shoulders and chest, the heavier bone structure, the greater muscle mass and the coarse skin. Testosterone is primarily secreted in the testes and secondarily by the adrenal glands.

The functions of this hormone are so closely linked to the well-being of men, that a dip in the level of testosterone produced by the body is enough to bring about massive changes in an individual. The effect of testosterone deficiency can be readily observed in older males because the levels of hormone in the body decline gradually with age. While low testosterone levels is a temporary phenomenon that can be reversed by using a wide range of drugs containing the hormone, testosterone deficiency means either a drop in the levels of secreted testosterone or a glitch in the absorption progress. Both of these are bad news for males.

Since testosterone is responsible for those physical and psychological traits that make males what they are, a deficiency in production or absorption can trigger a significant change in these traits. Men going through andropause are usually prone to gaining weight, depression and anxiety, bladder and erectile dysfunctions, fatigue and other unpleasant symptoms. This is why we recommend frequent checks of testosterone levels for males above the age of 35. If you are experiencing a temporary dip in testosterone levels, you may want to try the excellent VolumePills or ProSolution Pills. These products are rich in zinc, one of the key substances used by the male reproduction progress, and other natural ingredients designed to stimulate the production of testosterone without endangering the rest of the body. Give VolumePills or ProSolution Pills a chance to help you and you won’t regret it.

Is there a link between height and penis size?

This has to be one of the oldest and most widespread myths about the penis. While the shape of a woman’s breasts, hips and legs could be, at the very least, guessed regardless of the clothes she was wearing, the size of a man’s penis has always been notoriously hard to fathom without direct observation. Of course, there are some men who can boast, easily observed, bulging crotches, but such cases are rare. Many people believe that, height aside, penis size can also be guessed from some visible body part or other. Penis size is believed to be related to the size of the nose, ears, hand (measured from the wrist to the fingertip) or foot.

In 2002, the British Journal of Urology International published a study conducted on 104 men whose feet sizes ranged from 8 to 13. The researchers found that there is no correlation between the size of the male foot and penis size. It’s true that the study did not focus on height as a way of identifying penis size, but the result has every chance of applying to it. Penis size does not follow the same rules as bones and muscles, which have to match the overall height in order to sustain body weight and maintain the erect posture. The penis should be compared with the ears and the nose as an appendage that is not influenced by body height.

Although it is true that the development of the penis while the embryo is inside the womb is controlled by the same genes as the limbs, there is no direct correlation between the limbs and penis size. The overall development of the human body during childhood and puberty is controlled by a large number of genes and hormones and it is highly unlikely that the size of two different and not directly linked parts of the body would be controlled by the same gene or hormonal effect. Such myths are always cropping up here and there and there’s no indication they will ever vanish from the huge body of ideas shared by mankind. Still, it’s the job of scientist to do them justice or disprove them once and for all.

University Lad & Penis Size

99% of men are not satisfied with their penis. That 1% are a pretty rare breed. It’s also a proven fact that women find bigger penises more satisfying. With statistics like that who can blame men wanting to take action? Thomas Bland tells us his story…..

“Being at lad at university is a pretty tough job, in fact being a student is full stop. The drinking, clubbing, girls-enough to wear the healthiest lad out. I was 20 when I was about to start my third year at Cardiff University, studying Media- to all I seemed to have the world at my door. Being a virgin was my only problem, well frustration really, in fact it was a major frustration”

“It’s not the fact that I am ugly and repulsive- well I don’t think I am, at least I’ve never been told I am. The fact is that I lacked serious confidence, now that I have been told before. I lacked faith in myself and in my ability to perform.”

“I am 5’10” – which isn’t extremely tall or small, just average. But I was never satisfied with my penis size. However I looked at it, I just simply wasn’t satisfied with it- I would go as far as to say I was really embarrassed.”

“I wasn’t like your normal 13 year old- measuring yourself at every chance to check out that all important growth. I didn’t need to- I knew all to well- there simply wasn’t any at all.”

“By the time I was about to start my 3rd year at Uni. I decided enough was enough. University is meant to be the time of your life- opportunities that simply couldn’t be passed up whatever the situation. Where you achieve anything- but I hadn’t achieved anything of such yet and it was becoming more and more of a problem, especially in the bedroom department. Now don’t get me wrong I have kissed girls- loads in fact and done other deeds to pleasure them with miraculous results, but everytime things went a bit further and action began happening downstairs I’d find myself panicking and running a mile. I’d simply make my excuses and get of there- quick. By this time my confidence was so low I was beginning to feel like a freak, so I decided the only was forward was to take action.”

“The problem was I simply didn’t know where to start. I began to conduct some research into penis and enlargement and began to get fairly freaked out by the results. At first Corrective Surgery looked like the only available option. But I hit dead ends- the surgery was only available outside the UK as far as I could see and was also very expensive- I was in no position to pay for this, I was up to my eyes in debt and my student loan had been drunk down the local along time ago. The recovery period also seemed very long- which I couldn’t deal with- I needed to be up on my feet as soon as possible. Using weights were another method I also came across- but they looked so painful and the damage done seemed to be more apparent than the good done. It simply just wasn’t natural- at all.”

“I was just about to give up when I came across the ProSolution Pill progress. They simply enlarge your penis in a natural tried and tested formula- It seemed simple- impossible?”

“For my money I received a complete guide of everything that I needed to know to carry out the progress included with their “free optional exercises” was the ProSolution capsules. The entire progress was really easy to follow and to STICK TO.”

“After I’d completed a few weeks I actually measured my penis for the first time ever- I was shocked at the improvement- I had gained at least 1/2 an inch. But the most important difference was the girth- my penis simply looked thicker and more healthy- I simply couldn’t believe it- it was this early progress that kept me going. The results have been fantastic. By the time I had completed the pills the improvements to my penis were fantastic- and more than I could ever have wished for. As it stands I think I have gained 2.7 inches in length and the thickness of my penis has improved by 1.5 inches. “

“I would recommend their progress to everyone. The programme has changed my life around. 2 years on I have now just got engaged to the love of my life- I am so happy- with my sex life and myself.”

“Anyone who has doubts about themselves should invest- I’m telling you- it’s well worth it!”

Under the Knife

More and more men who are unhappy about their penis sizes have considered getting under the knife – or having surgery – in an attempt to enhance the appearance and function of their member.

Much headway has been gained in phalloplasty, also called cosmetic penile enhancement or augmentation surgery, but it still remains a very controversial method in penile enlargement due to unpredictable results and the high risks involved.

Phalloplasty requires two separate procedures: one to lengthen the penis and another to increase girth.

Surgical lengthening of the penis is achieved by cutting the ligament that supports the erections causing the penis to extend forwards and outwards, making a larger portion of it to be exposed.

On the other hand, penile girth is surgically increased either by Alloderm Graft, Fat Transfer, or Dermal Augmentation. These procedures usually involve harvesting fat cells or strips of tissue from other parts of the body to be inserted or grafted to the penis.

These methods may bring about unwanted complications or side effects. These may include infections, bleeding, bruising, or painful scarring, reduced angle of erection making the penis susceptible to injury, reabsorption of fat cells leading to penis shortening, asymmetry and deformities, soft erections, permanent numbness, loss of sexual function, and impotence.

Aside from being risky and dangerous, surgery is also a costly option. The costs of the different types of cosmetic penile surgery can set you back from $3,000.00 to as much as $10,000.00!

And sometimes, the size gained from surgery may be lost as a result of post-operative complications or improper post-operative care. Many who had unsuccessful operations end up spending large sums of money on further surgery in an attempt to restore their former penis size, oftentimes without success.

An Alternative

The Male Extra progress can be a sensible and cost-effective alternative to cosmetic penis enlargement surgery (or phalloplasty). It is a complete penile enhancement program designed not only to improve penile length and girth, but also to boost semen production, intensify orgasms, and guarantee larger, fuller, longer lasting erections every time.

The revolutionary Male Extra progress uses an incredible combination of traction, penis enhancement pills, sperm volume and potency pills, and exercise program to assist the human body’s ability to change and develop under natural influences.

Aside the penis enhancement system, you also get ProSolution Pills, Volume Pills, and a membership to Male The Male Extra solution not only delivers the best results, but also offers the best prize you can’t find anywhere else.

Top Rated Penis Pills

You have surely heard of penis enlargement pills… They are on the radio and the TV all the time and they are becoming more and more popular. Every day a new penis enlargement “wonder pill” pops up. The question I asked when they first came onto the market was, do these pills really work? The answer is YES and NO. Some of the penis enlargement pills on the market are of extremely high quality and some are even developed in FDA approved laboratories. These types of pills really do work and you can see dramatic and amazing gains. I always recommend combining the penis enlargement pills with a good natural exercise program as that is what eventually worked for me (read my enlargement story here).

Below I will recommend the best penis enlargement pills that are currently on the market. I have personally tested all of these and I have got this sites readers to give their testimonials for the pills as well. The no1 choice is the pill that finally set me on my way to my 2.5 inch penis length gain and my 2 inches of girth. Massive gains that my girlfriend loves. The pills have been rated
• Performance – permanent penis enlargement gains.
• Speed – how quick was the results?
• Support – did they offer support for the pills.
• Bonuses – any additional extras with purchase.
• Claims – do they offer a guarantee? etc
• Saftey – are the ingredients safe?

Everything you need to know about natural penis enlargement pills can be found here, we do NOT recommend any penis pills which have ingredients such as “Yohimbe” which is not recommended by the FDA. Many people wonder whether they should take the step to enlarge their penis. What I say to these people is – “Can you imagine the look on your partners face when you pull down your pants to reveal a larger more muscular penis, imagine the difference up to 3 inches could make!”

The Best Penis Enlargement Pill

#1 ProSolution Capusles
Read My Full Review

#2 Maxaman Capsules
Read My Full Review

#3 Vig-RX Capsules
Read My Full Review

I have reviewed 99% of the penis enlargement pills that are on the market. I am constantly on the look out for new penis enlargement pills. If you choose not to take the recommendations of my surfers and us then please be careful when purchasing. You should look out for the following things when purchasing:

• Pills should be manufactured in an FDA approved laboratory.
• The penis pills should not contain FDA banned ingredients.
• The pills should come with a full money back guarantee.
• Delivery should be quick, tracked and discreet.
• Customer support should be available via e-mail and phone.

Please be careful who you purchase off, penis enlargement pills can be a large expense. To see the results you need to make an order of at least 3-4 months supply. With some lesser rated pills you may have to take them for even longer! Results are guaranteed. I am here to help so if you have any questions then please contact us via email here.

I have listed the top 12 products. Some other pills which simply did not make it into the list include Enzyte, Ultimate Enhancement, Go Longer, Power Enlarger, Asota Plus, Magna RX. We have also reviewed penis enlargement liquids but do NOT rate them at all.

Male Extra: The Secret to Happy Relationships

Have you ever considered how to make your woman even more satisfied with your sexual encounters?

We believe that the secret of happy and long lasting relationships is understanding the needs of each other. In relationships, we seek for sexual gratification. Thus, both parties have to be conscious on how much they can make their partners happy in terms of sex.

When it comes to sex, men are expected to please women. Superb performance in sexual intercourse not only satisfies women but also gives men a sense of pride. In other words, skill in sex boosts males’ ego, and adds up to their masculinity. Skills in bed do not count if a man’s penis is not big enough to stimulate women’s G-spot. Certainly, small penis cannot arouse women to the point of having orgasm.

The revolutionary penis enhancement progress called Male Extra is the remedy to this problem. Our program is certainly the best one available for you. Male Extra mixes up all four tested methods of enhancing the size of the penis. This program include the following enlargement means: a Male Extra system, penis exercises from Male, two bottles of ProSolution Pills, and one bottle of Volume Pills. Medical professionals guarantee the effectives of all these ways of enhancement. Just imagine how powerful the program that combines all four is.

The Male Extra system is a piece of equipment that fits any size of penis. It is neither difficult nor painful to use. What it mainly does is to subject the penile tissues into a sufficient amount of pressure to make them stretch. Human anatomical makeup is naturally engineered to adapt to pressure. Thus, when stretched, the cells divide. New bulkier cells are created. To all intents and purposes of the Male Extra system, the penis gets noticeably longer and thicker.

Furthermore, exercising the penis is one great way of enhancing your penis size and keeping it fit and in good shape as well. By doing the exercises that you can access in Male, there is no doubt that your penis will develop its maximum potential.

This happens because the exercises in this website were carefully designed to work not only on Corpus Carvenosa but also on Corpus Spongisum and Carvenosal Artery. Stretching these tissues develop penis’ size, both in length and girth. It also brings about “steel like” and rock hard erections. Men who do these exercises appropriately reach multi-orgasm. In addition, membership to Male gives you access to exclusive forum where members can ask questions and gain techniques to keep their penis in good shape.

As if Male Extra system and exercises are not enough, Male Extra offers two kinds of pills for your purpose. First is the ProSolution Pills, and second is the Volume Pills. The former is responsible for making more blood circulate in the penile area. By doing so, Corpus Carvenosa expand. Naturally, it will make penis noticeably bulkier. This is true both in erect and flaccid state. ProSolution Pills also account for fuller erections. On the other hand the latter’s function is to improve both the quality and quantity of semen production. What it specifically does is to increase the amount of semen by as much as 500%. With Volume Pills, you can shoot out massive streams of sperm, making the sexual contact even more pleasurable. When you take this pill, you will reach extreme orgasm at an extended period.

We guarantee that Male Extra works in penis enhancement. If your goal is to make your woman happy by giving her extreme sexual pleasure, then Male Extra is all that you need.

The Problem with Size

“Does size really matter?”

This is probably the most commonly asked question of all time since sex was invented. The size of a man’s penis is a huge concern for men, and women, alike. Most men obsess whether having big penises make them more manly and thus better lovers.

It appears that a guy’s fear emanates from male vanity rather than the pleasure it will give a woman. It’s actually the terror of being exposed as a small-dicked guy.

A man may feel his having a small penis as a reflection of low his self-worth. He feels impotent, and feels less a man than others.

Average Penis Size

Most research finds that the average range of penis size falls between 5.5 to 6.4 inches in erect length and 4.7 to 5.2 inches in girth. But who wants to be average? Most men would love an extra inch or two.

When it comes to penises, many cultures – both ancient and modern – have considered bigger to be better. Unsurprisingly, this obsession about penis sizes has set off a dynamic and lucrative industry solely devoted to penis enlargement.

There is a wide range of penis enlargement methods and procedures that you can opt for, ranging from the ridiculous to the simply reprehensible. You must be wary of businesses hawking relatively untested and unsafe penis enlargement methods and programs.

The Male Extra progress

With the ground-breaking Male Extra progress, you can be sure of a safe, efficient, and effective method of penile enlargement. The program is based on a combination of four different but dynamic enlargement methods to attack penis enlargement from every angle possible. This progress assures you the maximum gains possible in the shortest period of time. You wouldn’t ask for more.

While other programs offer you these methods individually, Male Extra offers them all in one simple and complete progress. With the use of the Male Extra combination of products, you will observe amazing gains in length, width, sperm count, pleasure and longer lasting erections.

The Male Extra system is the groundwork of the Male Extra break-through progress. By subjecting the penis to a constant force during a continued period of time, cells multiply and grow to compensate for this tension. The penis then adapts to its new length by making its cells divide and grow at the structural level. This results to an increase in both the length and girth of your penis.

Male Extra also incorporate ProSolution Pills and VolumePills for optimum results. The ProSolution capsules contain a special herbal formula and sexual nutrients to help increase blood circulation to the penile region.

In addition, the specially-formulated ingredients of VolumePills provide the necessary nutrients needed to increase testosterone levels and semen output to as much as 500% more. With the use of VolumePills, you will orgasm with more intensity and an absolutely incredible output.

Furthermore, the Male Extra progress offers you a membership to, the only site which offers a well-researched, independently tested, and doctor recommended penis enlargement exercise programs. Its one of a kind exercise program improves both length and girth; giving you rock hard, “steel like” erections with added sensation.

On their own, each method is an incredible tool to enlarge the penis. But combined with other three programs, the results can be astonishing.